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[SM8E52] CODMW3- Connection Notifier Returntop

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Connection Notifier [Crashzer]
20C9D448 00000200
42000000 92000000
0654CCBC 00000018
436F6E6E 65637469
6F6E203D 205E314C
6F770000 00000000
E0000000 80008000
20C9D448 00000600
42000000 92000000
0654CCBC 00000018
436F6E6E 65637469  
6F6E203D 205E354D
65646975 6D000000
E0000000 80008000
20C9D448 00000800
42000000 92000000
0654CCBC 00000018
436F6E6E 65637469
6F6E203D 205E3247  
72656174 00000000
E0000000 80008000
42000000 90000000
042FAFD8 00000018
E0000000 80008000
20C9D448 00001500
42000000 92000000
0654CCBC 00000018
436F6E6E 65637469
6F6E203D 205E3247
72656174 00000000
E0000000 80008000
42000000 90000000
042FAFD8 00000018
E0000000 80008000
20C9D448 0000030A
42000000 92000000
0654CCBC 00000018
436F6E6E 65637469
6F6E203D 205E354D
65646975 6D000000
E0000000 80008000
*If your signal strength to IW is low, it will say "mpui_connection = low" on the in game options menu and etc...
*This displays your connection status to IW servers. NOT your ping
This is non-host too! It's a code that took a long time to make. It will display your connection status to IW servers. It's a good code because usually the signal strength to Infinity Ward is a mystery, and no-one knows how well you are connected. I will probably make a v2, of which is much more advanced, but it will defianitly be a longer code. Code information: Works for NTSC and PAL, it is 41 lines long, it has NOT got an activator, nonhost/host + not all players.


Corporal II

Corporal II

Umm what does it mean that you can see your connection status to the IW Servers? I mean, I don't get exactly why this code is useful (I know it is useful, I just don't completely get it D: )


I eat shit!
I abuse my powers cuz i have no balls!
Next time ill be banned!
I eat poop!
I eat shit!I abuse my powers cuz i have no balls!Next time ill be banned!I eat poop!

it's not useful. it just shows you if you have potato connection or really good conection. as you see from the picture his connection is medium (average)

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