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[SC7E52] CODMW3 - Gold Camo For weapons that can't have Camo  Returntop

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Custom Class 1 [strakn]:
20249B2C 3F800000
4A000000 93000000
103C0862 00040000
103C086F 00040000
103C085D 00000060
103C0879 00000050
123C0860 0000XXXX
103C0866 000000F0
123C0868 0000E401
123C086D 0000E401
103C086F 00000090
103C0870 00000000
103C0871 00000040
103C0872 00000010
103C085F 0000009B
163C087A 00000004
F4991A2B 00000000
E0000000 80008000

Custom Class 2 [strakn]:
20249B2C 3F800000
4A000000 93000000
103C0882 00040000
103C088F 00040000
123C0880 0000XXXX
103C0886 000000F0
123C0888 0000E401
123C088D 0000E401
163C089A 00000004
F4991A2B 00000000
E0000000 80008000

Custom Class 3 [strakn]:
20249B2C 3F800000
4A000000 93000000
103C08A2 00040000
103C08AF 00040000
103C08B9 00000050
123C08A0 0000XXXX
103C08A6 000000F0
123C08A8 0000E401
123C08AD 0000E401
163C08BA 00000004
549A1A2B 00000000
E0000000 80008000

Custom Class 4 [strakn]:
20249B2C 3F800000
4A000000 93000000
103C08C2 00040000
103C08CF 00040000
123C08C0 0000XXXX
103C08C6 000000F0
123C08C8 0000E401
123C08CD 0000E401
163C08DA 00000004
F4991A2B 00000000
E0000000 80008000

Custom Class 5 [strakn]:
20249B2C 3F800000
4A000000 93000000
103C08E2 00040000
103C08EF 00040000
103C08F9 00000050
123C08E0 0000XXXX
103C08E6 000000F0
123C08E8 0000E401
123C08ED 0000E401
163C08FA 00000004
F4991A2B 00000000
E0000000 80008000

XXXX Values:
Ballistic- E003
CrossBow- 8003
China Lake- 9003
Strela 3- 7003
RPG- 6003
M72 LAW- 5003

Soon To come:

I dont want to release those. But if ur smart I bet u could find them out

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