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[SC7E52] CODBO Working Zombies [Last Updated 6-21-12] Returntop

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I eat shit!
I abuse my powers cuz i have no balls!
Next time ill be banned!
I eat poop!
I eat shit!I abuse my powers cuz i have no balls!Next time ill be banned!I eat poop!


No Turret Overheat [Bully@Wiiplaza]
F239CFE8 FEEC9301
60000000 60000000

Rapid Fire [Bully@Wiiplaza]
F23A0CEC 022C0002
38000000 901D0000
60000000 00000000
*Don´t buy a quickrevive while having this enabled*

Zombies: Point Counter Control [Crashzer]
28200F40 00008000
82210000 00A20B0C
E0000000 80008000
28200F40 00001000
84210000 00A20B0C
E0000000 80008000
*1)Press home to store the amount of points you have.
*2)Press minus (-) to load the amount of points that you had when you saved it.
Zombies: Points Counter Doesn't Stop moving [Crashzer]
A8000008 00000001
80000000 80A20B0C
86010000 0000007F
24A20B0C 00000FFF
04A20B0C 00000001
E2000001 00000000
*Your points go up and down
Zombie Rapid Knifing
4A000000 803A2000
DE000000 80008180
14000708 60000000
E0000000 80008000
Brovo Command Code
28200F40 F3FF0C00
043A18E8 60000000
E0000000 80008000
28200FA0 00001010
043A64A0 380003E7
E0000000 80008000
28200EE0 00000300
F6000002 800080FF
A80300B4 B00300B6
80700164 80031C7C
14000020 60000000
E0000000 80008000
28200EE0 00006000
F6000001 800080FF
90930098 9013009C
D200000C 00000003
3D805F5E 618CE0FF
918300A4 800300A4
60000000 00000000
E0000000 80008000
42000000 90000000
0613ABE0 0000008A
C9E1E502 3114C23D
3DE33DFC 7D5D1594
D2F35394 78B94ACA
338B4BE0 328E0A4A
79F9C939 99051832
51400D99 65A90A89
B9B9F928 922E018E
2EF12EFE E17E5005
2519A579 29A945E9
A579F1A5 05E94589
29A929F1 55B9985A
4203A01A 720D2D0D
0DD1D422 3B48BBB8
A02833AF 243E312F
253E3931 37B52831
273F391B A808002B
7048F600 00000000
E0000000 80008000
A+B Rapid Fire
[+]+[-] Infinate Ammo
1+2 Infinate Health
C+Z Infinate Money
*.-Non-Host Codes-.*
Home-God Mode
Twist A-No-Clip
Twist Down-Thunder Gun
Twist Up-M1911 Upgraded
Twist Z-Max Ammo
Zombies: Point Counter Control[Crashzer]
28200F40 00008000
82210000 00A20B0C
E0000000 80008000
28200F40 00001000
84210000 00A20B0C
E0000000 80008000
*1)Press home to store the amount of points you have.
*2)Press minus (-) to load the amount of points that you had when you saved it.
Zombies: Points Counter Doesn't Stop moving [Crashzer]
A8000008 00000001
80000000 80A20B0C
86010000 0000007F
24A20B0C 00000FFF
04A20B0C 00000001
E2000001 00000000
*Your points go up and down
Zombies Lockon Aimbot [STRiiK3R]
A8000008 00000000
04964AF8 00000000
04964B78 00000000
04965A18 00000000
04965A50 00000000
E0000000 80008000
*ADS or move Crosshair near to the zombie and it will lock on!
*Locks on strongly Can swap between zombies if close!
*CCP + Wiimote!
Use for best effect with:
Zombies Triggerbot [STRiiK3R]
20964AF0 00000010
04B265B8 01000000
E0000000 80008000
20964AF0 00000000
04B265B8 00000000
E0000000 80008000
*If you are looking at enemy it automatically Shoots!
Zombies Auto Aim CCP [STRiiK3R]
20964AF0 00000010
04B264F8 01010000
E0000000 80008000
20964AF0 00000000
04B264F8 00000000
28200FA0 00000080
04B264F8 01010000
E0000000 80008000
*If you are looking at enemy it automatically Aims Down Sight!
Zombies Auto Aim Wiimote [STRiiK3R]
20964AF0 00000010
04B264F8 01010000
E0000000 80008000
20964AF0 00000000
04B264F8 00000000
28200F0A 00002000
04B264F8 01010000
E0000000 80008000
*If you are looking at enemy it automatically Aims Down Sight!
Zombies Triggerbot [STRiiK3R]
20964AF0 00000010
04B265B8 01000000
E0000000 80008000
20964AF0 00000000
04B265B8 00000000
E0000000 80008000
*If you are looking at enemy it automatically Shoots!
Zombies Auto Aim CCP [STRiiK3R]
20964AF0 00000010
04B264F8 01010000
E0000000 80008000
20964AF0 00000000
04B264F8 00000000
28200FA0 00000080
04B264F8 01010000
E0000000 80008000
*If you are looking at enemy it automatically Aims Down Sight!
Zombie Lockbot V2[STRiiK3R]
2024901C 00000000
A8000008 00000000
C0000000 00000003
3D408096 614A5A18
3D600000 616B0000
916A0000 4E800020
E0000000 80008000
2024901C 00000000
A8000008 00000000
C0000000 00000003
3D408096 614A5A50
3D600000 616B0000
916A0000 4E800020
E0000000 80008000
After the first code was made. i realised that it needed an activater and that made its A8 line useless. i have fixed that by using a different if statement instead of an activater, i also added more functions.
I have wallbanger version but im only releasing that if i get 100 subscribers to: Youtube.com/xSTRiiK3Rx that is the only time i would ever do a release for subscribers, but i'm in a competition with a friend to get the most Subscribers.
Zombie Code Unfreezer [STRiiK3R]
2024901C 00000000
*Add this to the top of all of your zombie codes
*It allows you to have zombie codes on your sd card and play multiplayer without freezing!
This code just stops the annoying thing of if you have zombie codes on and you try to go in multiplayer you freeze. just add the code to the top of the zombie codes you have.
inf ammo zombies by Ropers
043A64A0 380003E7
Score Modifier (Offline) [PoptartHunter]
28200FA0 00008000
04A20B0C 05F5E0FF - (Gives you 999999999 points in zombies)
E0000000 80008000
*Home on WiiMote Activates.
Infinite Ammo/Grenades all Weapons (Offline) [PoptartHunter]
28200FA0 00008000
04A1F360 05F5E0FF
04A1F368 05F5E0FF
04A1F358 05F5E0FF
E0000000 80008000
*Home on Wiimote activates.
Speed Hack Zombies (All-Players) [777eThOd*]
08A21AD4 40500000
20031C88 00000000
Zombies Inf. HP All Players [Kyle]
28200EE0 00000300
F6000002 800080FF
A80300B4 B00300B6
80700164 80031C7C
14000020 60000000
E0000000 80008000
Push 1+2 to activate. Works on EVERYTHING, you never die!
Inf. Money/Score (All Players Host)
28200EE0 00008000
F6000001 800080FF
90930098 9013009C
D200000C 00000003
3D805F5E 618CE0FF
918300A4 800300A4
60000000 00000000
E0000000 80008000
Activate Home wiimote.
Inf. Money Zombies(All-Players)[777eThOd*]:
08A21B8C 3B9AC9FF
20031C88 00000000
ZombiesTelport all players host only [ropers/strakn] 5/12 +
28200EE0 00008000
06A1F008 00000008
40A16147 C3D247CA
06A20C90 00000008
C2985439 C34A2492
06A22918 00000008
42DDE1F4 C3505CD5
06A245A0 00000008
41A7A0B1 C3705ACD
08A1F010 43A01000
20031C88 00000000
E0000000 00000000
28200EE0 00008001
06A1F008 00000008
4186D935 C43DF478
06A20C90 00000008
438F2F26 C428F62F
06A22918 00000008
42C37747 C430B09A
06A245A0 00000008
41D37E5E C420BDD2
08A1F010 43782001
20031C88 00000000
E0000000 00000000
28200EE0 00008002
06A1F008 00000008
C51C0B4E 43B8D068
06A20C90 00000008
C52B2669 43B3E1A4
06A22918 00000008
C51C159A 42F96D95
06A245A0 00000008
C529E661 42F4A797
08A1F010 42508000
20031C88 00000000
E0000000 00000000
28200EE0 00008004
06A1F008 00000008
C51A6D16 C49676E8
06A20C90 00000008
C529F718 C4848333
06A22918 00000008
C51F49FB C4829FC2
06A245A0 00000008
C5239153 C489C947
08A1F010 42507FFF
20031C88 00000000
E0000000 00000000
home to pack a punch room
home and left back to lobby
home and down to other room
home and right to other room 2
No Clip 21/5/2011 Host Only [Bully@Wiiplaza]
28200F40 00000002
82200001 80A1F008
86900001 40A00000
84200001 80A1F008
E0000000 80008000
28200F40 00000001
82200001 80A1F008
86900001 C0A00000
84200001 80A1F008
E0000000 80008000
28200F40 00000008
82200001 80A1F00C
86900001 40A00000
84200001 80A1F00C
E0000000 80008000
28200F40 00000004
82200001 80A1F00C
86900001 C0A00000
84200001 80A1F00C
E0000000 80008000
28200F40 00008000
82200001 80A1F010
86900001 40A00000
84200001 80A1F010
04395ED0 60000000
E0000000 80008000
28200F40 00001000
82200001 80A1F010
86900001 C0A00000
84200001 80A1F010
E0000000 80008000
28200F40 00001400
04395ED0 D0180028
E0000000 80008000
- Left/Right/Forth/Back with the Wiimote D-PAD
- Up/Down with Home and Minus
- Fall down with Minus and B
- Works for the white guy only idk why. Bully must have something against blue, orange, and green guys
noclip master code zombie-nonhost [PETERPANh4x]
C242F6D8 00000007
91E385EC 920385F0
81E30000 3E002B73
3A106D6F 7C0F8000
40A20010 3DE0931A
39EF5000 906F0000
81E385EC 820385F0
88030000 00000000
E0000000 80008000
-Zombies- Non-host Flying Code (noclip binder) [PETERPANh4x]
28200EE0 00000300
C0000000 00000008
9421FFB0 BDC10008
3DE0931A 39EF5000
820F0000 2C100000
41A20014 822F0010
92300000 822F0014
92300004 60000000
B9C10008 38210050
4E800020 00000000
E0000000 80008000
42000000 92000000
071A5010 00000008
6E6F636C 69700000
E0000000 80008000
In order for this code to work, you need to be using the MASTERCODE for this
1. Initiate the game with both this cheat code and its MasterCode activated!
2. Go to Zombies.
3. Go to CONTROLS.
4. Click on BUTTON LAYOUT.
5.Select ALPHA (This code has only been proved to work with Alpha Button Config, if you use it with other than Alpha, it's at your own risk and I don't guarantee it will work)
6.Select BUTTON LAYOUT again and click on CUSTOMIZE.
7. Scroll down to "Throw Tacticals", press A, and then shake your WiiMote.
8. Press "B" (go back).
9. Push 1 AND 2 at the same time, once.
10. Click on CUSTOMIZE again and press B to go back (saving hacked bind).
11. Go to the Main Menu.
12. Turn off your Wii and deactivate these codes.
13. Turn it back on, get on Zombies.
14. Get on CONTROLS, BUTTON LAYOUT, click on CUSTOMIZE and scroll down to "Throw Tacticals", press A and ONLY shake your WiiMote!
15. Press B to go back and you will be able to use noclip by pressing the MINUS button on any match! Also, you will still be able to throw tactical grenades by shaking your WiiMote!
Remember, this cheat will not work in any way if you don't use its MasterCode, which can be downloaded above.
Zombies Custom Weapons/Upgraded (mitch, seth, viphax)
04A1F18C 000000XX
04A1F2DC 000000XX
XX = Custom weapons/upgraded hex values.
Mnesia = 0B
M16 = 0C
Skullcrusher = 0D
G11 = 0F
Default = 01
Zeus Turret = 02
Ak47 = 03
Mustang Sally = 08
G115 Generator = 10
Famas = 11
G16-GL35 = 12
Ak-74 = 13
Ak74fu2 = 14
MP5k = 15
MP115 Kollider = 16
MP40 = 17
The Afterburner = 18
MPL = 19
PM63 = 1B
Toyko & Rose = 1C
CZ75 DW = 1E
Calamity & Jane = 20
Stakeout = 22
Olympia = 24
Hades = 25
Spaz-12 = 26
Spaz-24 = 27
HS10 = 28
Typhoon & Mary = 29
Aug = 2B
Aug50m3 = 2C
Galil = 2E
Lamintation = 2F
Cammando = 30
Predator = 31
HK21 = 32
H115 Oscillator = 33
m72-Law = 34
m72 Anarchy = 35
Ray Gun = 37
Porter's X2 Ray Gun = 38
Thunder Gun = 39
Zeus Cannon = 3A
Crossbow Explosive Tip = 3B
Awful Lawton = 3C
Ballistic Knife = 3D
The Krauss Refibrillator = 3E
Bowie/Ballistic Knife = 3F
Round Toggler (Host Only) [PoptartHunter]
28200FA0 00008000
E0000000 80008000
X's = Round you want in hexadecimal.
Zombies Triggerbot [STRiiK3R]
20964AF0 00000010
04B265B8 01000000
E0000000 80008000
20964AF0 00000000
04B265B8 00000000
E0000000 80008000
*If you are looking at enemy it automatically Shoots!
Zombies Auto Aim CCP [STRiiK3R]
20964AF0 00000010
04B264F8 01010000
E0000000 80008000
20964AF0 00000000
04B264F8 00000000
28200FA0 00000080
04B264F8 01010000
E0000000 80008000
*If you are looking at enemy it automatically Aims Down Sight!
Zombies Auto Aim Wiimote [STRiiK3R]
20964AF0 00000010
04B264F8 01010000
E0000000 80008000
20964AF0 00000000
04B264F8 00000000
28200F0A 00002000
04B264F8 01010000
E0000000 80008000
*If you are looking at enemy it automatically Aims Down Sight!
Zombies Triggerbot/Auto Aim CCP [STRiiK3R]
20964AF0 00000010
04B264F8 01010000
04B265B8 01000000
E0000000 80008000
20964AF0 00000000
04B265B8 00000000
04B264F8 00000000
28200F0A 00000080
04B264F8 01010000
E0000000 80008000
*if you are looking at an enemy you automatically and shoots!
Zombies Triggerbot/Auto Aim Wiimote [STRiiK3R]
20964AF0 00000010
04B264F8 01010000
04B265B8 01000000
E0000000 80008000
20964AF0 00000000
04B265B8 00000000
04B264F8 00000000
28200FA0 00002000
04B264F8 01010000
E0000000 80008000
*if you are looking at an enemy you automatically aims down sight and shoots!
Zombie Lockbot V2[STRiiK3R]
2024901C 00000000
A8000008 00000000
C0000000 00000003
3D408096 614A5A18
3D600000 616B0000
916A0000 4E800020
E0000000 80008000
2024901C 00000000
A8000008 00000000
C0000000 00000003
3D408096 614A5A50
3D600000 616B0000
916A0000 4E800020
E0000000 80008000
Zombies Lockon Aimbot [STRiiK3R]
A8000008 00000000
04964AF8 00000000
04964B78 00000000
04965A18 00000000
04965A50 00000000
E0000000 80008000
*ADS or move Crosshair near to the zombie and it will lock on!
*Locks on strongly Can swap between zombies if close!
*CCP + Wiimote!
Zombies Triggerbot [STRiiK3R]
20964AF0 00000010
04B265B8 01000000
E0000000 80008000
20964AF0 00000000
04B265B8 00000000
E0000000 80008000
*If you are looking at enemy it automatically Shoots!
Zombies Auto Aim CCP [STRiiK3R]
20964AF0 00000010
04B264F8 01010000
E0000000 80008000
20964AF0 00000000
04B264F8 00000000
28200FA0 00000080
04B264F8 01010000
E0000000 80008000
*If you are looking at enemy it automatically Aims Down Sight!
Zombies Auto Aim Wiimote [STRiiK3R]
20964AF0 00000010
04B264F8 01010000
E0000000 80008000
20964AF0 00000000
04B264F8 00000000
28200F0A 00002000
04B264F8 01010000
E0000000 80008000
*If you are looking at enemy it automatically Aims Down Sight!
Zombies Triggerbot/Auto Aim CCP [STRiiK3R]
20964AF0 00000010
04B264F8 01010000
04B265B8 01000000
E0000000 80008000
20964AF0 00000000
04B265B8 00000000
04B264F8 00000000
28200F0A 00000080
04B264F8 01010000
E0000000 80008000
*if you are looking at an enemy you automatically and shoots!
Zombies Triggerbot/Auto Aim Wiimote [STRiiK3R]
20964AF0 00000010
04B264F8 01010000
04B265B8 01000000
E0000000 80008000
20964AF0 00000000
04B265B8 00000000
04B264F8 00000000
28200FA0 00002000
04B264F8 01010000
E0000000 80008000
*if you are looking at an enemy you automatically aims down sight and shoots!
Give Weapons [Bully@Wiiplaza]
C23A0240 00000002
380003E7 90030370
60000000 00000000
043A73A4 9065036C
C239B784 00000005
380000XX 900401BC
380000XX 900401D4
380000XX 900401EC
380000XX 90040204
800401A4 00000000
E2100000 00000000
0439B784 800401A4
E0000000 80008000
*Press your button(s) to give those weapons*
*Weapon XX Values*
00 = Nothing
01 = Default Weapon
02 = Turret
03 = AK47
05 = Combat Knife
06 = M1911
08 = Mustang & Sally
09 = Mustang & Sally (+ weird hands)
0A = M14
0B = Mnesia (upgraded M14)
0C = M16
0D = Skullcrusher (upgraded M16 + Grenade Launcher)
0F = G11
10 = G115 Generator (upgraded G11)
11 = Famas
12 = G16-GL35 (upgraded Famas + Reflex Sight)
13 = AK47u
14 = AK47fu-2 (upgraded AK47u + Reflex Sight)
15 = MP5K
16 = MP115 Kollider (upgraded MP5K)
17 = MP40
18 = The Afterburner (upgraded MP40)
19 = MPL
1B = PM63
1C = Tokyo & Rose
1D = Tokyo & Rose (+ weird hands)
1E = CZ75 Dual Wield
1F = CZ75 Dual Wield (+ weird hands)
20 = Calamity & Jane
21 = Calamity & Jane (+ weird hands)
22 = Stakeout
23 = Raid (upgraded Stakeout)
24 = Olympia
25 = Hades (upgraded Olympia)
26 = SPAS-12
27 = SPAS-24 (upgraded SPAS-12)
28 = HS10
29 = Typhoid & Mary
2A = Typhoid & Mary (+ weird hands)
2B = AUG
2C = AUG-50M3 (upgraded AUG + Grenade Launcher)
2E = Galil
2F = Lamentation (upgraded Galil)
30 = Commando
31 = Predator (upgraded Commando)
32 = HK21
33 = H115 Oscillator
34 = M72 LAW
35 = M72 Anarchy (upgraded M72 LAW)
37 = Ray Gun
38 = Porter´s X2 Ray Gun (upgraded Ray Gun)
39 = Thundergun
3A = ZeusCannon (upgraded Thundergun)
3B = Crossbow Explosive Tip
3C = Awful Layton
3D = Ballistic Knife
3E = The Krauss Refibrillator
Zombies mastercode
4A000000 80A20A24
60000003 00000000
30000000 XXXXXXXX
4A100000 FFF86924
4C000000 00001194
4A100000 000029E0
E2000001 00000000
4A100000 00001C88
62000000 00000000
E0000000 80008000
X = 5th 6th 7th and 8th letters of your name in hex
noclip zombies
48000000 80001194
DE000000 8000817F
28200EE1 00008000
1407980C 00000000
CC000000 00000001
1407980C 00000001
E0000000 80008000
Host only
Home to turn on/off
Infinite points zombies
28200EE1 00009000
A8000000 00000001
48000000 80001194
DE000000 8000817F
140797C4 7FFFFFFF
CC000000 00000001
140797C4 00001388
E0000000 80008000
On/off with Minus (-) and home
On will place you at the highest score, off will place your score at 5000
Host only
Speed mod zombies
48000000 80001194
DE000000 8000817F
28200EE1 00000300
1407970C 401AFFEE
CC000000 00000001
1407970C 3F800000
E0000000 80008000
Host only
1 + 2 to go between super speed and normal speed
Infinite ammo zombies
48000000 80001194
DE000000 8000817F
18078010 000003E7
20050004 00000000
14078030 000003E7
14078040 000003E7
14078038 000003E7
E0000000 80008000
Host only
Rapid fire zombies
48000000 80001194
DE000000 8000817F
14077CD8 00000000
E0000000 80008000
Host only
Give weapon to gun 1 zombies
48000000 80001194
DE000000 8000817F
E0000000 80008000
X = gun value
Starts with no ammo
Host only

Give weapon to gun 2 zombies
48000000 80001194
DE000000 8000817F
E0000000 80008000
X = gun value
Starts with no ammo
Host only
Moon jump zombies
48000000 80001194
DE000000 8000817F
28200EE1 00000008
14077CD4 44000000
E0000000 80008000
Host only
press up on wiimote dpad

Zombie: Max Money/Score [Bully@Wiiplaza]
F6000001 800080FF
90930098 9013009C
D200000C 00000003
3D805F5E 618CE0FF
918300A4 800300A4
60000000 00000000
E0000000 80008000

Zombie: Inf. Ammo [Bully@Wiiplaza]
F6000002 800080FF
1C040018 7C790214
3863018C 2C030000
D2000058 00000002
398003E7 91830370
80030370 00000000
60000000 00000000
E0000000 80008000
*gives you inf. shots for ALL Weapons*

Zombie: Inf. Grenades [Bully@Wiiplaza]
F6000002 800080FF
93E30000 83E1000C
83C10008 80010014
D2000040 00000002
38000063 90030004
60000000 00000000
E0000000 80008000

Zombie: Knife Rapidfire [Bully@Wiiplaza]
F6000002 800080FF
800303C8 901E0038
80030380 B01E003C
14000028 60000000
E0000000 80008000

God Mode [Bully@Wiiplaza]
F2550690 02537B02
38000801 9003019C
60000000 00000000

Toggle God Mode [Bully@Wiiplaza]
F2550690 02537B02
38000800 9003019C
60000000 00000000
CC000000 00000000
F2550690 02537B02
38000801 9003019C
60000000 00000000
E0000000 80008000
*Press your button(s) to toggle ON/OFF*

No Clip [Bully@Wiiplaza]
F24BE328 02539F01
38600001 60000000

Toggle No Clip [Bully@Wiiplaza]
F24BE328 02539F01
38600001 60000000
CC000000 00000000
F24BE328 02539F01
807D1B6C 60000000
E0000000 80008000
*Press your button(s) to toggle ON/OFF*

Zombie: Weapon Rapidfire [Bully@Wiiplaza]
F6000002 800080FF
7F23CB78 38800002
38A00000 38C00001
14000044 60000000
E0000000 80008000

Zombie Kills & Headshots Modifier [Bully@Wiiplaza]
F6000002 800080FF
7C1CED2E C001000C
D0030004 C0010010
D2000024 00000002
3860XXXX 7C7CE92E
60000000 00000000
E0000000 80008000
*This code will give you permanently XXXX kills and headshots, if you manage to get at least one of them*

Last edited by DaAsianGuy on 21/6/2012, 4:32 pm; edited 4 times in total




Private II

Private II

Do this work Still now? 100%?

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