1 [SC7E52] CODBO - Few Codes 14/8/2012, 8:28 pm
I abuse my powers cuz i have no balls!
Next time ill be banned!
I eat poop!
Debug math?[CrimsoN@DC]
04064648 60000000
CC000000 00000001
04064648 2C060025
E0000000 80008000
*Messes with your ratio and ammo #
Everything stetched horizontally[CrimsoN@DC]
0475ADA4 C0010038
CC000000 00000001
0475ADA4 60000000
E0000000 80008000
Trippy Vision[CrimsoN@DC]
0475ADA0 F0010070
CC000000 00000001
0475ADA0 60000000
E0000000 80008000
*it like un-clips your vision, so you can look around the map. You stay where you are, it's just your vision that moves.