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[SM8E52] CODMW3 - Release, Non-host/Host Extreme Impact Mod Returntop

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05144188 42C80000
05144188 42C80000
05144188 4479C000
05143CC0 4479C000
05144778 44160000
051442B0 44160000
05144198 44610000
05144188 44610000
05143CC0 44610000
05144100 4479C000
05144778 4CBEBC20
051442B0 4CBEBC20
05143CC0 3A83126F
05144188 4CBEBC20
05144198 F74A1E00
05144188 F74A1E00
05143CC0 F74A1E00
05144188 50C90000
05144198 44610000
E0000000 80008000

This impact mod is non host and host. It works best host. It also for some reason works best in Private Match. I am not sure why. I am [DARK]REDBULL.

The codes below need to be ran along with this. I know that they are already in the code above.

Maximum Bullet Penetration[DARK]-PUNISH-,[DARK]REDBULL
05143CC0 3A83126F
05144188 4CBEBC20
05143CC0 F74A1E00
E0000000 80008000
*Requires the "Impact" proficiency*

Impact Multiplier[Bully@WiiPlaza
05144188 4479C000
E0000000 80008000
*More damage through material

Also. I am not sure if this code has already been released on here. If it has, just ignore it. I don't know who made it. If someone could tell me that would be great.

Talk to Enemy Players[DO NOT KNOW]
20A04C50 00008000
05133C28 01000000
0513FA58 3F99999A
CC000000 00000001
05133C28 00000000
0513FA58 3F800000
E0000000 80008000
*Hit Home every time you get into a match.
*Doesn't work with an in game activator.
*They can here you but you cant here them.

I will release more as i get them.


Private II

Private II

I didn't make this one. I modified it.


Section Moderator
Section Moderator

nice im going to use some of these impact mods i was looking for these


i tested it it doesnt do anything non host but you can shoot thruogh the whole map on outpost when host and other maos with hollow material


Private II

Private II

Well good i will put the v2 on here later. it is on CockLickers in ntsc if someone wants to post it. i won't release v3 though.

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