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[SM8E52] CODMW3-CCP Function Modifier Returntop

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This code allows you to customize the functions of your ccp controller. For example put the value 17 (lay down) in the Zr(trigger) part of the code you will drop shot right when you shoot.
(ccp) Controller Modifier [Goober]
067991C4 00000004
Down on Dpad 000000xx 00000000
067991F4 00000004
Right on Dpad 000000xx 00000000
067991DC 00000004
Left on Dpad 000000xx 00000000
067991AC 00000004
Up on Dpad 000000xx 00000000
0679919C 00000004
Zr (trigger) 000000xx 00000000
0679917C 00000004
Zl (aim) 000000xx 00000000
06799044 00000004
L Button 000000xx 00000000
0679905C 00000004
R Button 000000xx 00000000
0679902C 00000004
Y Button 000000xx 00000000
06798FFC 00000004
B Button 000000xx 00000000
06799014 00000004
X Button 000000xx 00000000
06798FE4 00000004
A Button 000000xx 00000000
E0000000 80008000

Replace xx with these values
13=Noob tube

56=Change Weapons

55= Menu

0D = Aim

4D = Shoot

0b = Reload

07 = Tactical

05 = lethal

02= single shot

58= Score

15= Fill up for left over values

17= Lay down

0B= Reload

If you only want one button customized
Activate with Home on Wii mote
(ccp) Controller Modifier [Goober]
Down on Dpad   
2820236A 00008000
067991C4 00000004
000000xx 00000000
E0000000 80008000

(ccp) Controler Modifier [Goober]
Right on Dpad   
2820236A 00008000
067991F4 00000004
000000xx 00000000
E0000000 80008000

(ccp) Controler Modifier [Goober]
Left on Dpad   
2820236A 00008000
067991DC 00000004
000000xx 00000000
E0000000 80008000

(ccp) Controler Modifier [Goober]
Up on Dpad     
2820236A 00008000
067991AC 00000004
000000xx 00000000
E0000000 80008000

(ccp) Controler Modifier [Goober]
Zr (trigger)   
2820236A 00008000
0679919C 00000004
000000xx 00000000
E0000000 80008000

(ccp) Controler Modifier [Goober]
Zl (aim)       
2820236A 00008000
0679917C 00000004
000000xx 00000000
E0000000 80008000

(ccp) Controler Modifier [Goober]
L Button       
2820236A 00008000
06799044 00000004
000000xx 00000000
E0000000 80008000

(ccp) Controler Modifier [Goober]
R Button       
2820236A 00008000
0679905C 00000004
000000xx 00000000
E0000000 80008000

(ccp) Controler Modifier [Goober]
Y Button       
2820236A 00008000
0679902C 00000004
000000xx 00000000
E0000000 80008000

(ccp) Controler Modifier [Goober]
B Button       
2820236A 00008000
06798FFC 00000004
000000xx 00000000
E0000000 80008000

(ccp) Controler Modifier [Goober]
X Button       
2820236A 00008000
06799014 00000004
000000xx 00000000
E0000000 80008000

(ccp) Controler Modifier [Goober]
A Button       
2820236A 00008000
06798FE4 00000004
000000xx 00000000
E0000000 80008000

Activate with Home on WII mote

Code in easy coping format
(ccp) Controller Modifier [Goober]
2820236A 00008000
067991C4 00000004
000000xx 00000000
067991F4 00000004
000000xx 00000000
067991DC 00000004
000000xx 00000000
067991AC 00000004
000000xx 00000000
0679919C 00000004
000000xx 00000000
0679917C 00000004
000000xx 00000000
06799044 00000004
000000xx 00000000
0679905C 00000004
000000xx 00000000
0679902C 00000004
000000xx 00000000
06798FFC 00000004
000000xx 00000000
06799014 00000004
000000xx 00000000
06798FE4 00000004
000000xx 00000000
E0000000 80008000

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