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[SC7E52] Zombie Give Weapon Code Returntop

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I believe this is not for the white player i think it might be either for you or everyone try it out

Give Weapons [Bully@Wiiplaza]
28200F40 00008000
C23A0240 00000002
380003E7 90030370
60000000 00000000
043A73A4 9065036C
C239B784 00000005
380000XX 900401BC
380000XX 900401D4
380000XX 900401EC
380000XX 90040204
800401A4 00000000
E2100000 00000000
0439B784 800401A4
E0000000 80008000
*Home on wii mote*

*Weapon XX Values*
00 = Nothing
01 = Default Weapon
02 = Turret
03 = AK47
05 = Combat Knife
06 = M1911
08 = Mustang & Sally
09 = Mustang & Sally (+ weird hands)
0A = M14
0B = Mnesia (upgraded M14)
0C = M16
0D = Skullcrusher (upgraded M16 + Grenade Launcher)
0F = G11
10 = G115 Generator (upgraded G11)
11 = Famas
12 = G16-GL35 (upgraded Famas + Reflex Sight)
13 = AK47u
14 = AK47fu-2 (upgraded AK47u + Reflex Sight)
15 = MP5K
16 = MP115 Kollider (upgraded MP5K)
17 = MP40
18 = The Afterburner (upgraded MP40)
19 = MPL
1B = PM63
1C = Tokyo & Rose
1D = Tokyo & Rose (+ weird hands)
1E = CZ75 Dual Wield
1F = CZ75 Dual Wield (+ weird hands)
20 = Calamity & Jane
21 = Calamity & Jane (+ weird hands)
22 = Stakeout
23 = Raid (upgraded Stakeout)
24 = Olympia
25 = Hades (upgraded Olympia)
26 = SPAS-12
27 = SPAS-24 (upgraded SPAS-12)
28 = HS10
29 = Typhoid & Mary
2A = Typhoid & Mary (+ weird hands)
2B = AUG
2C = AUG-50M3 (upgraded AUG + Grenade Launcher)
2E = Galil
2F = Lamentation (upgraded Galil)
30 = Commando
31 = Predator (upgraded Commando)
32 = HK21
33 = H115 Oscillator
34 = M72 LAW
35 = M72 Anarchy (upgraded M72 LAW)
37 = Ray Gun
38 = Porter´s X2 Ray Gun (upgraded Ray Gun)
39 = Thundergun
3A = ZeusCannon (upgraded Thundergun)
3B = Crossbow Explosive Tip
3C = Awful Layton
3D = Ballistic Knife
3E = The Krauss Refibrillator

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