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[SM8E52] Edited Mod Menu code Returntop

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1[SM8E52] Edited Mod Menu code Empty [SM8E52] Edited Mod Menu code 21/4/2012, 3:38 pm


[SM8E52]TheModMenu Code *Edit* from Make your own Mod Menu Code[PoptartHunter/Goober]
42000000 90000000
06251CF8 0000000C
43435020 57616C6C
62616E67 65720000
E0000000 80008000
207637E8 00000000
202023C8 00000004
80000000 808A499C
8A000C0F 008A1C1C
80000001 808A771C
8A000C0F 008A499C
80000002 808AA49C
8A000C0F 008A771C
80000003 808AD21C
8A000C0F 008AA49C
80000004 808AFF9C
8A000C0F 008AD21C
80000005 808B2D1C
8A000C0F 008AFF9C
80000006 808B5A9C
8A000C0F 008B2D1C
80000007 808B881C
8A000C0F 008B5A9C
80000008 808BB59C
8A000C0F 008B881C
80000009 808BE31C
8A000C0F 008BB59C
E0000000 80008000
42000000 90000000
06250A40 0000000C
42656173 744D6F64
65000000 00000000
E0000000 80008000
208E3630 6F003200
F6000001 808A808B
815FD7C0 814BD7C0
180055F8 3E99999A
20082D80 00000000
CC000000 00000000
180055F8 3F666666
20082D80 00000000
E0000000 80008000
E0000000 80008000

Press Start ingame to see the mod menu

First Function - Aimbot CCP No Scoping Only [PoptartHunter/Goober]
2nd Function- Everyone Slow But you[PoptartHunter/Goober]

Before using this code launch the game and set mw3 multiplayer as your default


Private I

Private I

Can you make a Mod Menu Edit that works for all players PLEASE~!!!!!!!!!


I eat shit!
I abuse my powers cuz i have no balls!
Next time ill be banned!
I eat poop!
I eat shit!I abuse my powers cuz i have no balls!Next time ill be banned!I eat poop!

no you can not, unless they hack. and it's not like a mod menu. more like functions. (don't know how to call it) [SM8E52] Edited Mod Menu code 2041938683

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