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[SM8E52] CODMW3 - Custom Class with 2 Attachments Plus Damage & Impac Returntop

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These are custom classes with 2 attachments plus Damage and Impact.

Class 1 +JESTER+
2820236A 00008000
42000000 92000000
053DA3F4 07000100
053DA3F8 09000900
053DA3FC 84008C00
E0000000 80008000

Pre-made with 07 acr Gun, 01 reddot, 09 ext mags,09 winter camo, 84 impact, 8c damage

Class 2 +JESTER+
2820236A 00008000
42000000 92000000
053DA458 09000100
053DA45C 09008400
053DA460 8C003700
E0000000 80008000

Click on your gun then pick whatever and activate code and you will get these with the gun.
09 ext mags, 01 reddot, 09 winter camo, 84 impact, 8c damage, 37 secondary gun javelin

Class 3 +JESTER+
2820236A 00008000
42000000 92000000
053DA4B8 07000100
053DA4BC 09000900
053DA4C0 84008C00
E0000000 80008000

Pre-made with 07 ACR gun, 01 reddot, 09 winter camo, 84 impact, 8c damage

Class 4 +JESTER+
2820236A 00008000
42000000 92000000
053DA518 00011500
053DA51C 01000900
053DA520 09008400
053DA524 8C003500
E0000000 80008000

Click on your gun then pick whatever and activate code and you will get these with the gun.
15 ump 45 fun, 01 reddot, 09 ext mags, 09 winter camo, 84 damage, 8c damage, 35 secondary javelin

Class 5 +JESTER+
2820236A 00008000
42000000 92000000
053DA57C 27000200
053DA580 09000900
053DA584 84008C00
E0000000 80008000

27 Barret 50 cal, 02 acog, 09 ext mags, 09 winter camo, 84 impact,8C damage

Note. in the spot where 8C is located is normally 01 for target dot. you can change it back to 01 if u want the dot on the site Have a nice day!

07 acr gun
84 impact
39 attachments
01 red dot
11 silencer
10 grenade launcher
02 acog
07 heartbeat
15 hybrid
06 shotgun
0B holographic
09 ext. mags
05 thermal
8C damage
0A rapid fire
0D variable zoom

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