1 [SM8E52] Gametype Modifier 13/4/2012, 8:06 pm
Game Type Modifier [Bully@Wiiplaza]
C0000000 00000003
3D80809F 618C99BD
3960000X 996C0000
4E800020 00000000
E0000000 80008000
*Credits to SykoHax, Zeek & MW*
*Host a private match to play the specified game mode, some may not work properly because they weren´t intended to be playable on the Wii*
*X Values*
0 = Free for All
1 = Team Deathmatch
2 = Search and Destroy
3 = Sabotage
4 = Domination
5 = Headquarters
6 = Capture the Flag
7 = Demolition
8 = Kill Confirmed
9 = Team Defender
A = Drop Zone
B = Team Juggernaut
C = Juggernaut
D = Gun Game
E = Infected
F = One in the Chamber
C0000000 00000003
3D80809F 618C99BD
3960000X 996C0000
4E800020 00000000
E0000000 80008000
*Credits to SykoHax, Zeek & MW*
*Host a private match to play the specified game mode, some may not work properly because they weren´t intended to be playable on the Wii*
*X Values*
0 = Free for All
1 = Team Deathmatch
2 = Search and Destroy
3 = Sabotage
4 = Domination
5 = Headquarters
6 = Capture the Flag
7 = Demolition
8 = Kill Confirmed
9 = Team Defender
A = Drop Zone
B = Team Juggernaut
C = Juggernaut
D = Gun Game
E = Infected
F = One in the Chamber