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[IOS]WinterBoard Updated: Stability Fixes and More. Returntop

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WinterBoard is a staple in the jailbreaking community; it's been around and disliked for quite a while. In fact, a lot of jailbreakers won’t install a particular app or tweak of it requires installing the unpopular themer.

So what’s wrong with it? Speed, stability, you name it. WinterBoard has long been a scapegoat for jailbreak-related problems. But the utility may be worth a second look now, as it has just received a major update.
Saurik pushed out WinterBoard 0.9.3904 today and it features a host of bug fixes including:

5.x: Solve SpringBoard Scroll Lag (only with “SummerBoard Mode” off)
Default SummerBoard Mode to Off
4+5: TimeStyle, PerPage, IconAlpha
4+5: WinterBoard.app Respring Fix
5.x: Last Ditch kill -KILL Respring
4+5: HTML Wallpaper Multi-Touch
2+3: Fixed SpringBoard Crashes
Corrected Order of UISound Stack
Use Fallback/* to Wildcard Theme

I don’t typically use WinterBoard but a lot of people are saying that it runs a lot better on A4 devices.

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