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[SC7E52] CODBO - show host ip Returntop

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1[SC7E52] CODBO - show host ip Empty [SC7E52] CODBO - show host ip 28/4/2012, 2:32 am


Show Host's IP Address (txtsh_0.1) [PETERPANh4x]
28200EE0 00000100
C0000000 0000000F
9421FFB0 BDC10008
3DE0814E 39EF2F88
824F0000 3A52FFFF
3A00FFFF 8E320001
3A100001 2C110000
4082FFF4 2C100008
40820038 3E602468
3A736F73 3E80745F
3A944950 7E509050
7EB244AA 7C159800
40820018 7C16A000
40820010 3EE08019
62F7B800 92EF0000
B9C10008 38210050
4E800020 00000000
E0000000 80008000
C0000000 00000009
9421FFB0 BDC10008
3DE08020 39EF0EE0
A20F0000 3A204000
3A314000 7C108800
40820014 3E40814E
3A522F88 82720010
92720000 B9C10008
38210050 4E800020
60000000 00000000

Alright, this is the alpha version of txtsh (Text Shell OR Text-Message Shell), it is a code that creates a engine which uses the text messages editor to execute commands created by me. Right now it only has one command (host_IP) which shows the IP Address of the game/party's host. Since txtsh only uses 1 cmd currently, it would have been useless the effort to use a list file or code to load all the possible commands, but that's what I am going to do in the future. When this 'code' gets more advanced, I will make it 'open-source' so anybody can add their own commands into txtsh. I have planned the addition of dvar-changing, string search, hex int-changing, string modding (game binds, anyone? ), and much more features.


1) Get on a match.
2) Go to the compose message screen.
3) Type '$host_IP' (obviously without the quotation marks). Commands' strings are case-sensitive.
4) Press Done (1).
5) Press 2 to reveal the host's IP Address.
6) Once you're finished executing this command, stop it by pressing HOME, otherwise your game will crash when trying to compose a legit text message/edit the output text.

You can see your own IP Address ONLY if you have not previously joined any games, if you have, then it will show the last game's host IP Address.

txtsh can be used in-game thanks to the ALLIES menu integration.

Enjoy, and stay tuned to new releases of this code.

vlad tepes

Private First Class III
Private First Class III

vlad tepes
there is a site that it tells u what to do too right?

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