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SC7E52 bo wii codes Returntop

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1SC7E52 bo wii codes Empty SC7E52 bo wii codes 24/8/2012, 11:10 pm


Private I

Private I

SuperReviver [CoolNess]
C0000000 00000004
3D40814C 614AEC58
3D6047C3 614B4F80
916A0000 4E800020
4E800020 00000000
E0000000 80008000
C0000000 00000004
3D40814C 614AC078
916A0000 4E800020
4E800020 00000000
E0000000 80008000
*You can revive Anyone from any where and it should go really fast instead of 1.5 seconds its 0.01 seconds

Sprint Speed Scale [Bully@Wiiplaza]
F2386540 02EFCD02
3D804040 91840018
C0040018 00000000
*XXXX Values*
3F80 = Slow
3FC0 = Default
4040 = Fast

Points Are M1911 Ammo (Zombies)[sLoddir]
28200FA0 7FFF8000
C0000000 00000005
3D6080B6 616BE088
3D8080A1 618CF358
81AB0000 91AC0000
4E800020 4E800020
E0000000 80008000
*Home on wiimote to activate
*Host only

ZombiesTelport all players host only [Ropers]
28200EE0 00008000
06A1F008 00000008
40A16147 C3D247CA
06A22C90 00000008
C2985439 C34A2492
06A22918 00000008
42DDE1F4 C3505CD5
06A245A0 00000008
41A7A0B1 C3705ACD
08A1F010 43A01000
20031C88 00000000
E0000000 00000000
28200EE0 00008001
06A1F008 00000008
4186D935 C43DF478
06A22C90 00000008
438F2F26 C428F62F
06A22918 00000008
42C37747 C430B09A
06A245A0 00000008
41D37E5E C420BDD2
08A1F010 43782001
20031C88 00000000
E0000000 00000000
28200EE0 00008002
06A1F008 00000008
C51C0B4E 43B8D068
06A22C90 00000008
C52B2669 43B3E1A4
06A22918 00000008
C51C159A 42F96D95
06A245A0 00000008
C529E661 42F4A797
08A1F010 42508000
20031C88 00000000
E0000000 00000000
28200EE0 00008004
06A1F008 00000008
C51A6D16 C49676E8
06A22C90 00000008
C529F718 C4848333
06A22918 00000008
C51F49FB C4829FC2
06A245A0 00000008
C5239153 C489C947
08A1F010 42507FFF
20031C88 00000000
E0000000 00000000
home to pack a punch room
home and left back to lobby
home and down to other room
home and right to other room 2

Mystery Box Never Moves Wiimote [Clay10]
42000000 90000000
0613B188 00000038
49CCC9E1 E5E2E502
3115C23D 3DE31D15
7213D333 93E39333
528B4BE2 73F3CB12
93725215 940C9400
78FF0F9E 00000000
0813B1B8 00000000
218D0004 00000000
E0000000 80008000
>Start game
>Switch controls to "echo" button layout
>Press "(A)" on the Wiimote
NOTE: you cannot use the echo button layout to shoot, throw
grenades, etc.

Command Code Working(Zombies)alpha Button Layout
28200F40 F3FF0C00
043A18E8 60000000
E0000000 80008000
28200FA0 00001010
043A64A0 380003E7
E0000000 80008000
28200EE0 00000300
F6000002 800080FF
A80300B4 B00300B6
80700164 80031C7C
14000020 60000000
E0000000 80008000
28200EE0 00006000
F6000001 800080FF
90930098 9013009C
D200000C 00000003
3D805F5E 618CE0FF
918300A4 800300A4
60000000 00000000
E0000000 80008000
42000000 90000000
0613ABE0 0000008A
C9E1E502 3114C23D
3DE33DFC 7D5D1594
D2F35394 78B94ACA
338B4BE0 328E0A4A
79F9C939 99051832
51400D99 65A90A89
B9B9F928 922E018E
2EF12EFE E17E5005
2519A579 29A945E9
A579F1A5 05E94589
29A929F1 55B9985A
4203A01A 720D2D0D
0DD1D422 3B48BBB8
A02833AF 243E312F
253E3931 37B52831
273F391B A808002B
7048F600 00000000
E0000000 80008000
Host only codes*Alpha*(Works for All Players)
A and B rapid fire
+and- infinate ammo
1 and 2 infinate health
C + Z infinate money
-non host codes-
home god mode
twist a noclip
twist dpad dowen give you thunder gun
twist dpad up give you M1911 upgraded
twist Z max ammo

Zombies Command Code Wii Remote Only+FoV mod in MP(Seth@WiiPlaza)
42000000 90000000
0613ABDE 00000172
78DA7592 514FC230
1485DF49 F80FCD5E
7D01A331 8B4F1854
48400960 487869EE
DA4BD7D0 B54B6959
F0D77B37 750E886F
99B6128C E9F742A5
2C51FA88 0C8AC225
FD5EAB8F 58727328
BDB68183 955C4081
1E8C13FB 2EF44410
8400E7EA B6594594
3CE4DE55 C965E47C
FAF6B1FA 89F570E2
2A5A1E4B E541D2CA
6771C5D3 55AC1346
97DD90C9 FBFC993C
9E8DC78B D198CF9E
5FD62C91 B8836842
85503A7B 99DA70CB
20883DB2 E6B8B77A
873C237B DAD08267
AED2F86F 87C6ED63
51B708E0 1586EBE9
F87DF3F6 1315F268
25FAEB97 D2166CFD
A477E577 011A0BC5
8307815E E46005B2
215DB6D5 0C5A1572
96A66957 6D3E121B
0E065DB1 D292C8E1
7DBF571A 38A1E705
1AC42558 85EC7630
3897370D DC950D1C
C22AD02F F34463E9
6258EB02 D95D4D50
C4CE1D59 4A8F4B3C
5257BEF6 5A295A5A
82D4F150 5F2F4DFB
CE629841 B4221F63
1695D256 D5C0173E
91F74000 00000000
E0000000 80008000
Switch to Custom Bravo Button Configuration then press B and go
to the regular game.when you are host you can do this on the go
but when non-host you have to press the commands during a
round change.
Home Button = Godmode
Twist and Z = Ammo Refill
Twist and Plus = Give All
Twist and Minus = Ray Gun
Twist and A = Noclip
Twist and Up = Invisiblilty
Twist and Left = Default Weapon
Twist and Right = Ak-47/Balistic Knife Bowie Upgraded
Twist and Down = ZeusCannon
D-Pad Up = Drop Weapon
*Bullet Tracer
*Melee Booster
*Super Extended Last Stand Time
*Revive Teamates From Anywhere
*Field of Veiw Mod

Speed Hack Zombies (All-Players) [777eThOd*]
08A21AD4 40500000
20031C88 00000000

Zombies Rapid Fire Host+NonHost
28200F40 F3FF0C00
043A18E8 60000000
E0000000 80008000
while in a game hold the A and B buttons to activate

New Zombies Command Code (bravo)
* 42000000 90000000
* 0613ABDE 000000F0
* 78DA658C D10AC220
* 1846EF83 BD83F826
* ABAD266C 35AAD1A5
* FCE58F09 4EC569AB
* 9EBE062D 28EF3E38
* E77CD19C 9511A075
* B6980639 31C6AB5D
* 53122AAD A0D9228C
* 6A085F92 136AEC45
* 2B9790E5 3B503724
* D0F73681 0DDB7687
* 290DE025 8684B7F5
* 8485B76E 4470D624
* C26A7ED7 FA87156D
* 5EF0AE25 141481BB
* 1A88408D 015367CF
* 36D5F173 12AED108
* F4321A1E 9DF42050
* F0679F36 75B99E13
* 696D0000 00000000
* 00000000 00000000
* 00000000 00000000
* 00000000 00000000
* 00000000 00000000
* 00000000 00000000
* 00000000 00000000
* 00000000 00000000
* 00000000 00000000
* 00000000 00000000
* 00000000 00000000
* 00000000 00000000
* E0000000 80008000
Home Button - god mode
Wiimote Twist + A Button - noclip
Wiimote Twist + B Button - max ammo
Wiimote Twist + MINUS Button - Zombies ignore you
Wiimote Twist + PLUS Button - drop current weapon (give to
Wiimote Twist + C Button - give all weapons
Wiimote Twist + D-PAD UP - Delete All Zombies
Wiimote Twist + D-PAD RIGHT - give Zeus Cannon
Wiimote Twist + D-PAD LEFT - give Ray Gun

42000000 90000000
0613ABDE 000000C9
78DA658F CB0A8330
1045F782 FF30B8ED
B25F10AB 45E9933E
9076D161 6A820D4D
A2C4D862 BFBE16A4
28EE06CE 3D973B8D
B94BC349 29DFFB1D
90A52926 BB4D0C41
4F1804A6 CC95AC26
E4DA09F2 2580B42E
4730DAB3 08A35DB6
ED03EED1 182E6CD1
186CAAC2 12171C3F
697A3869 5657561A
876438E6 A4852555
098BBA1A 3686E357
6A6A21B8 CDB3849D
8ED0ADBA C4474837
C020618B 557CF0BD
2F775169 96000000
00000000 00000000
E0000000 80008000
change your button layout to BRAVO
HOME for godmode,
TWIST then A for noclip
TWIST then Z for max ammo
Twist thenDPAD UP for porters x2 raygun
TWIST then DPAD DOWN for Zeus Cannon.

ZombiesTelport all players host only [ropers/strakn] 5/12 +
* 28200EE0 00008000
* 06A1F008 00000008
* 40A16147 C3D247CA
* 06A20C90 00000008
* C2985439 C34A2492
* 06A22918 00000008
* 42DDE1F4 C3505CD5
* 06A245A0 00000008
* 41A7A0B1 C3705ACD
* 08A1F010 43A01000
* 20031C88 00000000
* E0000000 00000000
* 28200EE0 00008001
* 06A1F008 00000008
* 4186D935 C43DF478
* 06A20C90 00000008
* 438F2F26 C428F62F
* 06A22918 00000008
* 42C37747 C430B09A
* 06A245A0 00000008
* 41D37E5E C420BDD2
* 08A1F010 43782001
* 20031C88 00000000
* E0000000 00000000
* 28200EE0 00008002
* 06A1F008 00000008
* C51C0B4E 43B8D068
* 06A20C90 00000008
* C52B2669 43B3E1A4
* 06A22918 00000008
* C51C159A 42F96D95
* 06A245A0 00000008
* C529E661 42F4A797
* 08A1F010 42508000
* 20031C88 00000000
* E0000000 00000000
* 28200EE0 00008004
* 06A1F008 00000008
* C51A6D16 C49676E8
* 06A20C90 00000008
* C529F718 C4848333
* 06A22918 00000008
* C51F49FB C4829FC2
* 06A245A0 00000008
* C5239153 C489C947
* 08A1F010 42507FFF
* 20031C88 00000000
* E0000000 00000000
home to pack a punch room
home and left back to lobby
home and down to other room
home and right to other room 2

Zombies mastercode [Clay10]
4A000000 80A20A24
60000003 00000000
30000000 XXXXXXX
4A100000 FFF86924
4C000000 00001194
4A100000 000029E0
E2000001 00000000
4A100000 00001C88
62000000 00000000
E0000000 80008000
X = 5th 6th 7th and 8th letters of your name in hex
only works for u all code below tht r by clay10 need master code

noclip zombies [Clay10]
48000000 80001194
DE000000 8000817F
28200EE1 00008000
1407980C 00000000
CC000000 00000001
1407980C 00000001
E0000000 80008000
Host only
Home to turn on/off

Infinite points zombies [Clay10]
28200EE1 00009000
A8000000 00000001
48000000 80001194
DE000000 8000817F
140797C4 7FFFFFFF
CC000000 00000001
140797C4 00001388
E0000000 80008000
On/off with Minus (-) and home
On will place you at the highest score, off will place your score at 5000
Host only

Speed mod zombies [Clay10]
48000000 80001194
DE000000 8000817F
28200EE1 00000300
1407970C 401AFFEE
CC000000 00000001
1407970C 3F800000
E0000000 80008000
Host only
1 + 2 to go between super speed and normal speed

Infinite ammo zombies [Clay10]
48000000 80001194
DE000000 8000817F
18078010 000003E7
20050004 00000000
14078030 000003E7
14078040 000003E7
14078038 000003E7
E0000000 80008000
Host only

Rapid fire zombies [Clay10]
48000000 80001194
DE000000 8000817F
14077CD8 00000000
E0000000 80008000
Host only

Give weapon to gun 1 zombies [Clay10]
48000000 80001194
DE000000 8000817F
14077E5C 00000017
E0000000 80008000
X = gun value
Starts with no ammo
Host only

Give weapon to gun 2 zombies [Clay10]
48000000 80001194
DE000000 8000817F
14077E44 00000037
E0000000 80008000
X = gun value
Starts with no ammo
Host only

Moon jump zombies [Clay10]
48000000 80001194
DE000000 8000817F
28200EE1 00000008
14077CD4 44000000
E0000000 80008000
Host only
press up on wiimote dpad

*For gun values to Clay10's codes go here: http://www.CockLickers.com/showthread.php?41837-SC7E52-CODBO-zombies-codes
Mnesia = 0B
M16 = 0C
Skullcrusher = 0D
G11 = 0F
Default = 01
Zeus Turret = 02
Ak47 = 03
Mustang Sally = 08
G115 Generator = 10
Famas = 11
G16-GL35 = 12
Ak-74 = 13
Ak74fu2 = 14
MP5k = 15
MP115 Kollider = 16
MP40 = 17
The Afterburner = 18
MPL = 19
PM63 = 1B
Toyko & Rose = 1C
CZ75 DW = 1E
Calamity & Jane = 20
Stakeout = 22
Olympia = 24
Hades = 25
Spaz-12 = 26
Spaz-24 = 27
HS10 = 28
Typhoon & Mary = 29
Aug = 2B
Aug50m3 = 2C
Galil = 2E
Lamintation = 2F
Cammando = 30
Predator = 31
HK21 = 32
H115 Oscillator = 33
m72-Law = 34
m72 Anarchy = 35
Ray Gun = 37
Porter's X2 Ray Gun = 38
Thunder Gun = 39
Zeus Cannon = 3A
Crossbow Explosive Tip = 3B
Awful Lawton = 3C
Ballistic Knife = 3D
The Krauss Refibrillator = 3E
Bowie/Ballistic Knife = 3F

Zombies Unlimited Ammo All Players
* 28200EE0 00000300
* F6000002 800080FF
* 1C040018 7C790214
* 3863018C 2C030000
* D2000058 00000002
* 398003E7 91830370
* 80030370 00000000
* 60000000 00000000
* E0000000 80008000
1+2 Activate

Zombies Unlimited Grenades All Players
* 28200EE0 00000300
* F6000002 800080FF
* 93E30000 83E1000C
* 83C10008 80010014
* D2000040 00000002
* 38000063 90030004
* 60000000 00000000
* E0000000 80008000
1+2 Activate

Zombies: Inf. HP All Players
28200EE0 00000300
F6000002 800080FF
A80300B4 B00300B6
80700164 80031C7C
14000020 60000000
E0000000 80008000
(Host)1+2 Activate

Give weapon to gun 1 zombies [Clay10] (duplicated)
48000000 80001194
DE000000 8000817F
14077E5C 00000038
E0000000 80008000
X = gun value
Starts with no ammo
Host only

Give weapon to gun 2 zombies [Clay10] (duplicated)
48000000 80001194
DE000000 8000817F
14077E44 0000003A
E0000000 80008000
X = gun value
Starts with no ammo
Host only

Give weapon to gun 1 zombies [Clay10] (duplicated)
48000000 80001194
DE000000 8000817F
14077E5C 00000003
E0000000 80008000
X = gun value
Starts with no ammo
Host only

Give weapon to gun 2 zombies [Clay10] (duplicated)
48000000 80001194
DE000000 8000817F
14077E44 00000002
E0000000 80008000
X = gun value
Starts with no ammo
Host only

Unlimited Money/Score All Players
28200EE0 00008000
F6000001 800080FF
90930098 9013009C
D200000C 00000003
3D805F5E 618CE0FF
918300A4 800300A4
60000000 00000000
E0000000 80008000

Zombie Rapid Fire Host Only ALL PLAYERS [Seth@WiiPlaza]
043A1668 60000000

Ultimate Multiplayer Zombies Code
214C59B8 3F900000
08A98040 00000000
200929E0 00000000
08A98058 00000054
200929E0 00000000
08A98208 00000000
200929E0 00000000
08A98210 00000538
200929E0 00000000
E0000000 80008000
60000000 00000000
054CCC48 3F19999A
28200FA0 00000004
054D6E98 00000000
054D6E28 00000054
054C3D38 00000000
054CCC48 00000000
054D5A28 42000000
04AA3A2C 60000000
04AA3A28 60000000
043B099C 380003E7
04AA3A34 60000000
054CE6F8 43333333
054CFE28 44610000
054CFE98 44610000
C23B098C 00000002
38000094 90030004
60000000 00000000
dpad down for effects home to activat

read more
Read more
Read more: http://realprostudios.proboards.com/index.cgi?

Host=: Reveal Host Command [HAXZing TERR0RIST/PETERPANh4x]
F6000001 8000817F
D9013353 00400000
5A010000 00000010
90010001 00000000
F6000001 8000817F
D1A212CC 00000000
5A010000 00000010
90010002 00000000
58010000 00000000
30000000 486F7374
30000004 3D3A0000
4A001002 00000000
9A00041F 00000000
E0000000 80008000
-Type Host=: in a text message to reveal the host's name
-Credits to PETERPANh4x for original text message address

-Video coming soon-

Round Toggler
28200FA0 00008000
05363F94 000001F4
E0000000 80008000

Match Start Intro Mod[Tech/MasterQ9999] Home
28200FA0 00008000
06B349B9 00000000
4B49434B 20534F4D
45205A4F 4D424945
20415353 21000000
E0000000 80008000

zombies teleport all players Non-host
28200EE0 00008000
06A1F008 00000008
40A16147 C3D247CA
06A20C90 00000008
C2985439 C34A2492
06A22918 00000008
42DDE1F4 C3505CD5
06A245A0 00000008
41A7A0B1 C3705ACD
08A1F010 43A01000
20031C88 00000000
E0000000 00000000
28200EE0 00008001
06A1F008 00000008
4186D935 C43DF478
06A20C90 00000008
438F2F26 C428F62F
06A22918 00000008
42C37747 C430B09A
06A245A0 00000008
41D37E5E C420BDD2
08A1F010 43782001
20031C88 00000000
E0000000 00000000
28200EE0 00008002
06A1F008 00000008
C51C0B4E 43B8D068
06A20C90 00000008
C52B2669 43B3E1A4
06A22918 00000008
C51C159A 42F96D95
06A245A0 00000008
C529E661 42F4A797
08A1F010 42508000
20031C88 00000000
E0000000 00000000
28200EE0 00008004
06A1F008 00000008
C51A6D16 C49676E8
06A20C90 00000008
C529F718 C4848333
06A22918 00000008
C51F49FB C4829FC2
06A245A0 00000008
C5239153 C489C947
08A1F010 42507FFF
20031C88 00000000
E0000000 00000000
home to pack a punch room
home and left back to lobby
home and down to other room
home and right to other room 2

2SC7E52 bo wii codes Empty Re: SC7E52 bo wii codes 24/8/2012, 11:22 pm


thanks for the post Wink

3SC7E52 bo wii codes Empty Re: SC7E52 bo wii codes 24/8/2012, 11:50 pm


Section Moderator
Section Moderator

damnit lol theres so much long codes but i already have most of these so im good nice post cheers keep on posting !!!!

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