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Important & Sticky [1]

Hello xcoDianz,

i will be redirecting this sites nameserver to the new site tommarrow at 3:00 PM ( Pacific Standard Time -8:00)

Our new site is, www.xcodezz.neq3.com , but at 3:00 tommarow it will be www.xcodezz.com .

As far as members, posts, and codes. i will try my best to figure out how to transfer your accounts and forums, if not im gonna have to posts all the codes again, and your gonna have to sign up again.

by TrickyNeon - Comments: 14 - Views: 1451

by Starburst - Comments: 0 - Views: 2342
AURORA, Colo. — “Dark Knight Rises” star Christian Bale visited victims of the Aurora theater shootings at the Medical Center of Aurora South on Tuesday.
Shooting victim Carey Rottman posted to his Facebook page a picture of Bale visiting him in his hospital room.

News/Articles Carey

“Wow!!! Thank you so much for the visit Christian!! What a great guy! Still in shock!,” Rottman wrote.
A source at the hospital said Bale arrived via ambulance around 2 p.m.

Bale also visited with Aurora Police officers...

by DaAsianGuy - Comments: 1 - Views: 479
The Pirate Bay has been down for over 24-hours as a result of a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack, according to the website's Facebook account.

It's not uncommon for the popular file-sharing website to be down for a few hours, but an outage this long is rare.

Torrent Freak and ZDNet have speculated that Anonymous may be behind the attack. Last week, The Pirate Bay criticized Anonymous for taking down Virgin Media's website after the service provider blocked The Pirate Bay under an order from the British High Court.

The Pirate Bay responded...

by $carface - Comments: 3 - Views: 589
When does a hug become a crime?

One alleged serial hugger nicknamed "Jack the Gripper" is accused of pretending to know women and tricking them into giving him a hug, according to ABC News.

Now Missouri prosecutors are trying to determine if the accusations made by 36 women against the 44-year-old man amount to a criminal offense.

"He'd say, 'Hi, remember me? I lived down the street in the corner house. How ya been?'" Des Peres, Mo., Detective Marshall Broughton said. "Obviously [the women] didn't remember him, but he did it so quickly and convincingly that they...

by DaAsianGuy - Comments: 2 - Views: 319
News/Articles Thomas_daigleblog
([Derek McLean photo/courtesy MetroWestDailyNews.com])

Apparently all that loose change collecting in the couch cushions pays off: A Massachusetts man who vowed to pay his last mortgage payment in pennies made good on the pledge.

Thirty-five years after...

by DaAsianGuy - Comments: 8 - Views: 417
News/Articles Tumblr_lj1fg0JeP71qbyxrvo1_500

According to Disney, paedophiles are allegedly stalking little kids on a popular children MMO game, Club Penguin. It is spending 3 million euros (US4.7 million) on an internet campaign to educate parents and children about the dangers of the internet.

So how exactly is the campaign going to be launched? Yes, wait for it... endless spamming ads about a Penguin MMO and it's improved security on TV, internet and other "virtual worlds".

by TrickyNeon - Comments: 1 - Views: 518

(Reuters) - Shin Shin the panda gave birth to a much-awaited baby at Tokyo's Ueno Zoo on Thursday, the first time a panda has been born there in 24 years.

Shin Shin and her partner Ri Ri,...

by DaAsianGuy - Comments: 2 - Views: 321

In the summer of 2012, Felix Baumgartner will attempt a record-breaking freefall jump from 120,000 feet - 23 miles - above the earth as part of Red Bull Stratos: a mission to the edge of space. The attempt will take place near Roswell, NM, USA, and if successful, Felix Baumgartner could be the first person to break the speed of sound with his own body, protected only by a space suit. As no one has...

by DaAsianGuy - Comments: 4 - Views: 416

***** What do you think about this?

Anaia Barnes Swims With Sharks in Bahamas,When Elana and David Barnes posted a home video to YouTube of their 5-year-old daughter swimming in the ocean, they intended to share their vacation memories with friends and family, not the world.

But the video quickly became a viral sensation because it shows their daughter,...

by DaAsianGuy - Comments: 1 - Views: 327

by DaAsianGuy - Comments: 6 - Views: 505

Hot Wheels have been a hot toy for a long time. But for 40-plus years, the loop the cars raced through was toy-sized. You could never imagine doing that in real life, right?


Set your eyes on the Double-Loop Challenge. At more than six stories high it's the biggest double-loop ever attempted.

Team Hot Wheels set a Guinness World Record at the X-Games in Los Angeles...

by DaAsianGuy - Comments: 4 - Views: 411
News/Articles Crazy-parenting-fails-parenting-fails-not-going-anywhere-for-a-while

News/Articles 165278 News/Articles 165278

by Yoshi - Comments: 0 - Views: 330
News/Articles Funny-facebook-fails-failbook-it-was-worth-a-shot

News/Articles 165283 News/Articles 165283

by Yoshi - Comments: 0 - Views: 352
News/Articles Fashion-fail-poorly-dressed-these-are-my-fertility-pants

Also: Might want to check the buttons on that shirt, bro.

News/Articles 165288

by Yoshi - Comments: 0 - Views: 365
News/Articles Homework-class-test-school-of-fail-this-is-why-we-go-to-school

Why else would get an education?

News/Articles 165325

by Yoshi - Comments: 0 - Views: 351

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