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MWR codes?  Returntop

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1MWR codes?  Empty MWR codes? 27/5/2012, 6:05 am


Private III

Private III

does anyone have any codes for mwr? like to rank my self up and stuff like that. also i need the game id for the UK version / or if it's the EU version the id for that 

2MWR codes?  Empty Re: MWR codes? 27/5/2012, 10:50 am


I eat shit!
I abuse my powers cuz i have no balls!
Next time ill be banned!
I eat poop!
I eat shit!I abuse my powers cuz i have no balls!Next time ill be banned!I eat poop!

===================== Muiltiplayer ===========================

Button Activator (PAL) [Crashzer]

Infinite Ammo [Crashzer]
007846E7 0000007F

Force Reload [Crashzer]
2817D6E0 0000ZZZZ
007846E7 00000000
E0000000 80008000
*For lazy people who cant be bothered to shake nunchuck

Unstopable Reloading [Crashzer]
007846E7 00000000
*Empty your gun!

Force Host [hetoan2]
050682A4 00000000

Lagometer Display [hetoan2]
0506D6BC 01B00000

FPS Display [hetoan2]
0506C9CC 01000000

Gravity Modifier [hetoan2]

See-through Walls [hetoan2]
05077A6C 60000000

PC Graphics: [BlockBoy]
0507A174 01000000
0507A13C 01000000

Start Game in 1 Second: [BlockBoy]
05067F8C 3F800000

Melee Range Modifier: [BlockBoy]
05075084 XXXXXXXX

Unlimited Sprint: []BlockBoy]
050744B4 01000000

Disable Overhead Names: [BlockBoy]
0506F4D4 00000000

No Damage From Falling: [BlockBoy]
0507377C 6904595

The Maximum Hieght a player can jump: [BlockBoy]
2817FE0A 00008000
05075744 XXXXXXXX
E0000000 80008000

Jump and Hurt Yourself: [BlockBoy]
0507377C 24E69595

Exit Scope on Damage [superman]
05073E3C 01000000

Hold breath forever [superman]
05073BFC 44160000
05073C44 33D6BF95

Checkered Map In lobby [Crashzer]
F6000001 8100817F
810761E8 8068D00C
14000010 80EA0AB9
E0000000 80008000
*http://i49.tinypic.com/5wwmt.png* This code will cause a freeze if you start the game with it activated

============================= Campaign =====================

Noclip [Bully@Wiiplaza]
2817FE0A 7FFF8000
F6000001 80108100
8003B854 2C000000
2817FE0A FEFF0100
14000000 38000001
CC000000 00000000
14000000 8003B854
E0000000 80008000
*Press Home on Main Menu to activate code*
*Press 1 to toggle ON/OFF*

Godmode [Bully@Wiiplaza]
2817FE0A 7FFF8000
F6000001 80008100
80180190 2C000000
F4000000 022C0002
38000001 9818017F
80180190 00000000
E0000000 80008000
*Press Home on Main Menu to activate code*
*Total Invincibility*

Infinite Ammo [Bully@Wiiplaza]
2817FE0A 7FFF8000
F6000001 80008100
7C9D0214 A8840178
14000010 38000001
14000418 38800000
E0000000 80008000
*Press Home on Main Menu to activate code*
*Infinite Weapon Ammo & Grenades*

3MWR codes?  Empty Re: MWR codes? 27/5/2012, 2:39 pm


Private III

Private III


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