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[SC7E52] zSh0x Codes Archive Returntop

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1[SC7E52] zSh0x Codes Archive Empty [SC7E52] zSh0x Codes Archive 11/6/2012, 11:19 pm




Black Ops Xp Lobby[zSh0x]
054B7388 XXXXXXXX Xp Scale
054B73F8 XXXXXXXX Cod Point Scale
054B7468 XXXXXXXX Cod Point Match Scale
054B74D8 XXXXXXXX Cod Points Per Challenge

Custom Class Creation[zSh0x]
054B49F8 00000000
CC000000 00000001
054B49F8 00000001
E0000000 80008000

054C22F8 01000000
054C2364 01000000
054C23D4 XXXXXXXX Laser Range
054C2444 XXXXXXXX Laser Range Player
054C24B4 XXXXXXXX Laser Radius

Bullet Mod[zSh0x]
054C2D04 XXXXXXXX Bullet Width
054C2D74 XXXXXXXX Bullet Length

AimBot With Custom Values[zSh0x] Black Ops
054D2354 XXXXXXXX Aim Assist Range Scale
054D23C4 XXXXXXXX Auto Aim Range Scale
054D24A4 01000000
054D2904 01000000
054D2DD4 01000000
054D3314 01000000
054D3464 7FFFFFFF

No Weapon Bobbing[zSh0x]
054CB2E0 00000000
054CB350 00000000
054CB3C0 00000000
054CB510 00000000
054CB580 00000000
054CB5F0 00000000
054CB660 00000000
054CB6D0 00000000

Explosive Bullets[zSh0x]
054CB820 01000000

Exit Scope On Damage[zSh0x]
054CBCF0 01000000

2[SC7E52] zSh0x Codes Archive Empty Re: [SC7E52] zSh0x Codes Archive 11/6/2012, 11:20 pm



3[SC7E52] zSh0x Codes Archive Empty Re: [SC7E52] zSh0x Codes Archive 11/6/2012, 11:21 pm




I started coding for Black Ops cause MW3 is fucked. I don't even play Video Games anymore I just code for them.

4[SC7E52] zSh0x Codes Archive Empty Re: [SC7E52] zSh0x Codes Archive 12/8/2013, 11:30 pm


Private II

Private II

What does the custom class creation do

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