1 [SC7E52] Game Type Mod Menu 18/8/2012, 5:08 pm
214ACF08 00000000
054E2CE8 808E4DC8
214ACF09 00000001
054E2CE8 808E4D68
214ACF09 00000002
054E2CE8 808E4D6C
214ACF09 00000003
054E2CE8 808E4D74
214ACF09 00000004
054E2CE8 808E4D78
E0000000 80008000
*Credit for original game type modifier goes to Zeek*
*Go to reticle options and select "Outer Color"*
*0 = Team-Deathmatch
*4 = One In the Chamber
*9 = Stick And Stones
*13 = Gun Game
*18 = Sharpshooter
*All the others = choose your new game mode manually from the list*