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*EPIC RELEASE* Ac130 custom class mod 2/16+ Returntop

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Ac130 custom Class Mod *EPIC* [ReBorN/+JesTeR+]
06A07C0C 00000018
5E354170 72696C20
466F6F6C 73212D20
5265626F 524E0909
A8000008 00000035
CC000000 00000000
06A07C0C 00000018
5E314170 72696C20
466F6F6C 73212D20
5265626F 524E0909
A8000008 00000035
CC000000 00000000
06A07C0C 00000018
5E324170 72696C20
466F6F6C 73212D20
5265626F 524E0909
A8000008 00000035
CC000000 00000000
06A07C0C 00000018
5E334170 72696C20
466F6F6C 73212D20
5265626F 524E0909
A8000008 00000035
CC000000 00000000
06A07C0C 00000018
5E364170 72696C20
466F6F6C 73212D20
5265626F 524E0909
E0000000 80008000
*since im a retired coder i figured i make this code just because its possible,
and Epic, idea from my friend thatonestoner

To Activate:
Go online go to custom class press home on wii remote(NOTE: Nothing will change yet) Now you have to back out of multiplayer and go back online, then check your 1st class , you should see the ac130 emblem in the Assault strike pack, next play online get 11 kills and have fun. its kindov glitchy when yo get 11 kills the game lags like fuck but comes back in 2 seconds, theres no activator to use the ac130 when u get 11 kills your automatically forced into the ac130 like the predator missle mod. enjoy, i will try to make the Reaper possible to use to

+Rep i spent all night last night creating this. *EPIC RELEASE* Ac130 custom class mod 2/16+ 4273467022 *EPIC RELEASE* Ac130 custom class mod 2/16+ 2187064939 *EPIC RELEASE* Ac130 custom class mod 2/16+ 2937254162


Private I

Private I

its a joke


Corporal II

Corporal II

yea itz fake


The Orginal Yoshi
The Orginal Yoshi

best code ever


Super Mod
Super Mod

wow droiid you are a fagg



it is possible, but the killstreak doesnt work. herps

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