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[TUT] How to Unban people in Black ops Returntop

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Hey guys, I wanted to make a tutorial on how to unban people on Black Ops because a lot of people don't know how to and people are saying you need a certain mod menu to do it. Honestly you can do it with any menu that has the rank up option.

WARNING:This will not work if you have been banned in Combat Training also(that is very rare)

Step 1: Take the banned person into combat training and start the match.

Step 2: Promote the person and tell them to leave the match and go into there own private match.(make sure they start the match)

Step 3: As soon as they leave your game end it.

Step 4: When you get back into the lobby invite them back and when they join you they will be fixed.

Hope this helps.

Remember this can be done with any menu with the rank up option.

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