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Code Class REnamer Combination Returntop

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1Code Class REnamer Combination Empty Code Class REnamer Combination 6/4/2012, 11:00 am


Private I

Private I

it a bit glitche be careful i made it
[1-10 Classes] [Goober/Demon]
2820236A 00008000
42000000 92000000
053DA41C xxxxxxxx
053DA420 xxxxxxxx
053DA424 xxxxxxxx
053DA428 xxxxxxxx
053DA42C xxxxxxxx
42000000 92000000
053DA47C xxxxxxxx
053DA480 xxxxxxxx
053DA484 xxxxxxxx
053DA488 xxxxxxxx
053DA48C xxxxxxxx
42000000 92000000
053DA4E0 xxxxxxxx
053DA4E4 xxxxxxxx
053DA4E8 xxxxxxxx
053DA4EC xxxxxxxx
053DA4F0 xxxxxxxx
42000000 92000000
053DA540 xxxxxxxx
053DA544 xxxxxxxx
053DA428 xxxxxxxx
053DA54C xxxxxxxx
053DA550 xxxxxxxx
42000000 92000000
053DA5A4 xxxxxxxx
053DA5A8 xxxxxxxx
053DA5AC xxxxxxxx
053DA5B0 xxxxxxxx
053DA5B4 xxxxxxxx
42000000 92000000
053DA604 xxxxxxxx
053DA608 xxxxxxxx
053DA60C xxxxxxxx
053DA610 xxxxxxxx
053DA614 xxxxxxxx
42000000 92000000
053DA668 xxxxxxxx
053DA66C xxxxxxxx
053DA670 xxxxxxxx
053DA674 xxxxxxxx
053DA678 xxxxxxxx
42000000 92000000
053DA6C8 xxxxxxxx
053DA6CC xxxxxxxx
053DA6D0 xxxxxxxx
053DA6D4 xxxxxxxx
053DA6D8 xxxxxxxx
42000000 92000000
053DA72C xxxxxxxx
053DA730 xxxxxxxx
053DA734 xxxxxxxx
053DA738 xxxxxxxx
053DA73C xxxxxxxx
42000000 92000000
053DA78C xxxxxxxx
053DA790 xxxxxxxx
053DA794 xxxxxxxx
053DA798 xxxxxxxx
053DA79C xxxxxxxx
E0000000 80008000

Home Button

Last edited by [Marine]JoLLY on 6/4/2012, 11:44 am; edited 2 times in total



credits fixed


Private I

Private I

i made the combination code and credits is [Goober/Demon]/and me


nice, i hate selectecting 10 codes, not i can just select one



you cannot have credit for stacking codes and adding activators.
you must find the addresses and offsets in order to get credit

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