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[RCJE8P] The Conduit & [RJAE52] COD4MWR codes Returntop

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Private III

Private III

[RCJE8P] The Conduit

Health Bar Modifier (online)
2074777C 00000001
42000000 90000000
E0000000 80008000
fill in XXXXXXXX with a floating point value

inf ammo, grenades, and no reload on SMAW (online)
2074777C 00000001
42000000 90000000
08D3991C 00000063
20100004 00000000
08D399A8 00000063
20100004 00000000
04D39908 00000063
20100004 00000000
04D3990C 00000063
20100004 00000000
04D39910 00000063
20100004 00000000
04D39904 00000063
20100004 00000000
E0000000 80008000

all weapons (online)
2863D218 00000300
4A000000 92B82A0C
30000000 00000000
4A000000 90D39890
14000004 00000001
14000008 00000001
1400000C 00000001
14000010 00000001
14000014 00000001
14000018 00000000
1400001C 00000000
14000020 00000000
14000024 00000000
14000028 00000000
14000030 00000000
14000034 00000000
E2000001 80008000
4A000000 92B82A0C
30000000 00000001
4A000000 90D39890
14000004 00000001
14000008 00000000
1400000C 00000001
14000010 00000000
14000014 00000000
14000018 00000001
1400001C 00000001
14000020 00000001
14000024 00000000
14000028 00000000
14000030 00000000
14000034 00000000
E2000001 80008000
4A000000 92B82A0C
30000000 00000002
4A000000 90D39890
14000004 00000001
14000008 00000000
1400000C 00000000
14000010 00000000
14000014 00000000
14000018 00000000
14000020 00000000
14000024 00000001
14000028 00000001
14000030 00000001
14000034 00000001
E2000001 80008000
4A000000 92B82A0C
30000000 00000003
4A000000 90D39890
14000004 00000000
14000008 00000000
1400000C 00000001
14000010 00000001
14000014 00000000
14000018 00000001
14000020 00000001
14000024 00000000
14000028 00000001
14000030 00000000
14000034 00000000
E2000001 80008000
4A000000 92B82A0C
30000000 00000004
4A000000 90D39890
14000004 00000000
14000008 00000001
1400000C 00000000
14000010 00000001
14000014 00000000
14000018 00000000
1400001C 00000001
14000020 00000001
14000024 00000000
14000028 00000001
14000030 00000000
14000034 00000000
E2000001 80008000
4A000000 92B82A0C
30000000 00000005
4A000000 90D39890
14000004 00000001
14000008 00000000
1400000C 00000001
14000010 00000000
14000014 00000000
14000018 00000001
14000020 00000000
14000024 00000000
14000028 00000001
14000030 00000001
14000034 00000000
E2000001 80008000
4A000000 92B82A0C
30000000 00000006
4A000000 90D39890
14000004 00000000
14000008 00000000
1400000C 00000000
14000010 00000000
14000014 00000001
14000018 00000001
1400001C 00000000
14000020 00000001
14000024 00000000
14000028 00000000
14000030 00000001
14000034 00000001
E2000001 80008000
4A000000 92B82A0C
30000000 00000007
4A000000 90D39890
14000004 00000000
14000008 00000001
1400000C 00000000
14000010 00000000
14000014 00000000
14000018 00000001
1400001C 00000001
14000020 00000000
14000024 00000001
14000028 00000001
14000030 00000000
14000034 00000000
E2000001 80008000
E0000000 80008000
press 1 and 2 at the start of a new game or after every death to activate this code

Weapons always charged
4A000000 90F0BB44
14000000 3F800001
14000004 41200000
E0000000 80008000

Game Region [Full Metal Kirby]
8075D813 0000000X
X values:
0 - Not Set
1 - North America
2 - Japan
3 - Europe
Obviously changes region like if ur NTSC-U u can be PAL

Show Particle Count [Full Metal Kirby]
007B71C2 00000001
Shows what the person is doing ex: Jumping, reloading, aiming, ect

Binocular Mode Shooting (online) [FullMetal Kirby]
0081B737 00000001
Zoom in

Allow Jetpack (Weaker version of a moon jump) [Full Metal Kirby]
0081B7D3 00000001
Dont no how to activate

Show Strat Count [Full Metal Kirby]
0081BAFF 00000001
Dont no this either

Show Fake Session MPPlayer [Full Metal Kirby]
0081BB04 00000001

Force Disintigration (aka Fiery Death) [Full Metal Kirby]
0081BB0F 00000001

Show Net Stats [Full Metal Kirby]
0081BB63 00000001

Show Net Rules [Full Metal Kirby]
0081BB67 00000001

Show Players (online) (I see you) [Full Metal Kirby]
0081BB6B 00000001
Awesome for place with walls

Show ELO Data [Full Metal Kirby]
0081BB70 00000001
dont no

Show Team Sorting [Full Metal Kirby]
0081BB74 00000001

XP in Friend Games [Full Metal Kirby]
0081BCCF 00000001

Show Mesh (Name, Friend Code, etc) [Full Metal Kirby]
2863D218 EFEF1010
0081BCE0 00000001
E0000000 80008000
press - and + to activate
Got some friends from this it shows peeps FC

Vote Control (Stage) [Full Metal Kirby]
4A000000 92B8398C
36000000 00000007
92210000 00000000
86000000 00000001
4A000000 92B829FC
94210000 00000000
E0000000 80008000
does not work very much

Vote Control (Rules) [Full Metal Kirby]
4A000000 92B83990
36000000 00000006
92210000 00000000
4A000000 92B82A08
94210000 00000000
E0000000 80008000
picks what you pick (online)

Vote Control (Weapons) [Full Metal Kirby]
4A000000 92B8399C
36000000 00000007
92210000 00000000
4A000000 92B82A0C
94210000 00000000
E0000000 80008000
picks what you pick (online)

Slot Checker [Full Metal Kirby]
4A000000 92B83B90
36000000 0000000C
92200000 92B83B90
84200000 92B83B94
E0000000 80008000
says what spot you are in 0(host)-11(worst spot). puts it in your deaths

Spawn point
2863D218 00001010
4A000000 8081BB6C
AE000000 00000001
30000000 0000000A
80000000 FFFFFFFE
94210000 00000000
E2000001 80008000
4A000000 8081BB6C
86000000 00000001
94210000 00000000
E0000000 80008000
press - and + to activate. cycles through random-1-2-...-10-random-1-...
pretty much teleport from COD W@W

Team Modifier (Scroller [Red -> Blue -> None -> Red -> Etc]) [Full Metal Kirby]
2863D218 00000002
AE000000 00000001
4A000000 92B83BCC
92210000 00000000
30000000 00000002
80000000 FFFFFFFF
94210000 00000000
E2000001 80008000
4A000000 92B83BCC
86000000 00000001
94210000 00000000
E0000000 80008000
->to change so if u hav to change guns ur in trouble

Never idle out
42000000 92000000
04B83B3C 00000000
E0000000 80008000
pretty much if u dont do anything 4awhile u wont be off

Manual Vote Control (Game Mode) [Full Metal Kirby]
4A000000 92B82A00
36000000 00000008
14000000 0000000W
E0000000 80008000
1: Free for All
2: Team Reaper
4: Team Objective

Manual Vote Control (Rules) [Full Metal Kirby]
4A000000 92B82A08
30000000 00000080
14000000 0000000X
E0000000 80008000
Free for All
0: Quick Match
1: Marathon
2: Three Strikes
3: Last Man Standing
4: ASE Football
5: Bounty Hunter
6: Random (Never-ending match)
0: Quick Match
1: Marathon
2: Shared Stock
3: Random (Never-ending match)
0: Quick Match
1: Marathon
2: Killing Override
3: Single ASE
4: Random (Instantly goes to overtime)

Manual Vote Control (Weapons) [Full Metal Kirby]
4A000000 92B82A0C
30000000 00000080
14000000 0000000Y
E0000000 80008000
0: Human
1: Trust
2: Drudge
3: Near/Far
4: Close Combat
5: Long Range
6: Explosive
7: Chargeable
8: Random (Freezes the game, don't bother)

Manual Vote Control (Stage) [Full Metal Kirby]
4A000000 92B829FC
30000000 00000080
14000000 0000000Z
E0000000 80008000
0: HVS's Debug Room (Don't use with the code though, it won't
work as you want; replace line 2 with a button activator and
activate it after the game selects a level but before it goes to the
loading screen to get it to work right)
1: Bunker
2: Pentagon
3: Complex
4: Sanctum
5: Infirmary
6: Streets
7: Warehouse
8: Random (Beta Sanctum)

Commit suicide (online)
2863D218 FFEF0010
42000000 90000000
04D39168 43340000
E0000000 00000000
2863D218 7FFF8000
42000000 90000000
04D39168 80000000
E0000000 80008000
press home and throw a radiation grenade at yourself. press + to regain your health after you die. This keeps freezing on me any1 else

1st profile name hack

2nd profile name hack

3rd profile name hack

Bypass 20102
C23555CC 00000004
3BC000ZZ 3E60935E
9BD365E5 3BC00000
3A600000 2C030000
60000000 00000000
Note: ZZ = From hex 00 to hex FF (must be different to real last
MAC value)Still not banned :p

Serial Number 20102
C23B4C10 00000002
80C30004 38C600TT
90C30004 00000000
Use my previous unban code then apply following code, Create a
new account and go to Multiplayer section to get a new FC.
TT= digit ADDED to your serial number. I suggest you to start with
01. If they ban you again your serial number then increase to 02
and so on.

36 SCAR (freezes a lot)
42000000 90000000
20F0C360 00000002
04F0C360 00000001
E0000000 80008000
Glitchy but awesome

Kills go up or down (online)
2863D218 00002010
4A000000 92B83BAC
92210000 00000000
86000000 00000001
94210000 00000000
E0000000 80008000
2863D218 00003000
4A000000 92B83BAC
92210000 00000000
86000000 FFFFFFFF
94210000 00000000
E0000000 80008000
Hold Z and + to increase
Hold Z and - to decrease

Deaths go up or down (online)
2863D218 00002810
4A000000 92B83B94
92210000 00000000
86000000 00000001
94210000 00000000
E0000000 80008000
2863D218 00003800
4A000000 92B83B94
92210000 00000000
86000000 FFFFFFFF
94210000 00000000
E0000000 80008000
Hold Z, A, and + to increase
Hold Z, A, and - to decrease

ASE Captures go up or down (online)
2863D218 00002210
4A000000 92B83BA0
92210000 00000000
86000000 00000001
94210000 00000000
E0000000 80008000
2863D218 00003200
4A000000 92B83BA0
92210000 00000000
86000000 FFFFFFFF
94210000 00000000
E0000000 80008000
Hold Z, 1, and + to increase
Hold Z, 1, and - to decrease

Infinite Ammo
C20E4678 0000000A
7D000026 3F6090F1
3B7BC364 7C18D800
41820018 3B7B01A0
7C18D800 4182000C
80050000 48000008
80030000 7D0FF120
39000012 3F6090D4
3B7B99AC 911B0000
911B0010 39000000
3B600000 00000000

Infinite Health
077DC06C 00000024
3D608074 816B777C
2C0B0001 40820010
2C0F007F 40820008
4A8C1DFC 7C06292E
4A8C1DF4 00000000
0409DE7C 4973E1F0

[RJAE52]Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare Reflex:

Reticle Color Cycler V1.0
2817FE0A 00000400
0506610C 00000001
CC000000 00000001
0506610C 00000002
CC000000 00000001
0506610C 00000003
CC000000 00000001
0506610C 00000004
CC000000 00000001
0506610C 00000005
CC000000 00000001
0506610C 00000006
CC000000 00000001
0506610C 00000007
CC000000 00000001
0506610C 00000008
CC000000 00000001
0506610C 00000009
E0000000 80008000
*Every time you shoot, the color of your reticle will change.

Auto Shoot On Reload
0470F4F4 01000000
*This will make your gun shoot automatically when you reload.

Reticle Color Cycler V2.5
A8000008 00000020
80000000 8106610C
86010000 00000001
2506610C 00000009
0506610C 00000000
E2100000 80008000
*This version cycles the colors automatically without activating.
*V.5 - fixed the freezing caused by a few messed up lines in the code.

Reticle Color Cycler V2.0
A8000008 00000020
80000000 8106610C
86010000 00000001
2406610C 00000009
0406610C 00000000
E2100000 80008000
*This version cycles the colors automatically without activating.

Moon Jump Host Only
2817FE0A FFF70008
C0000000 00000004
3D808078 618C44F4
3D604400 616B0000
916C0000 4E800020
4E800020 00000000
C0000000 00000004
3D808107 618C387C
3D606904 616B5951
916C0000 4E800020
4E800020 00000000
E0000000 80008000
*press UP for moon Jump

Instant Level 55
C0000000 00000004
3D808090 618C8600
3D600028 616B6425
916C0000 4E800020
4E800020 00000000
E0000000 80008000

All Players Have Infinite Health (Host Only)
C0000000 00000004
3D606000 3D80803A
398C6F2A 616B0000
916C18DE 4E800020
4E800020 00000000
E0000000 80008000

Give Laser On Weapon
2817D6E0 00008000
0506E53C 01000000
C0000000 00000004
3D600100 3D808106
398C7FFF 616B0000
916C64F5 4E800020
4E800020 00000000
E0000000 80008000
*press home on wiimote to activate
*credits to ozelot

Infinite Ammo All Players (Host Only)
2817D6E0 00008000
C0000000 00000004
3D808078 618C4700
3D600000 616B0001
916C0000 4E800020
4E800020 00000000
C0000000 00000004
3D80802D 618C95F4
3D606000 616B0000
916C0000 4E800020
4E800020 00000000
E0000000 80008000
*press HOME to activate

Rapid Fire (All Players+HostOnly)
2817D6E0 00008000
C0000000 00000004
3D80802D 618CBBEC
3D606000 616B0000
916C0000 4E800020
4E800020 00000000
E0000000 80008000
*Press Home To activate

Infinite Ammo All Players (Host Only)
2817D6E0 00008000
C0000000 00000004
3D808078 618C4700
3D600000 616B0001
916C0000 4E800020
4E800020 00000000
C0000000 00000004
3D80802D 618C95F4
3D606000 616B0000
916C0000 4E800020
4E800020 00000000
E0000000 80008000
*press HOME to activate

Rapid Fire (All Players+HostOnly)
2817D6E0 00008000
C0000000 00000004
3D80802D 618CBBEC
3D606000 616B0000
916C0000 4E800020
4E800020 00000000
E0000000 80008000
*Press Home To activate

Reticle Color Cycler (outer)
A8000008 00000020
80000000 81066154
86010000 00000001
25066154 00000009
05066154 00000000
E2100000 80008000
*Huge thanks to PoptartHunter for the address range

Reticle Style Cycler
A8000008 00000020
80000000 810660C4
86010000 00000001
250660C4 00000009
050660C4 00000000
E2100000 80008000
*Huge thanks to PoptartHunter for the address range

wall hack
05077DAC 420C0000
non host

Join session in progress On/Off
2817FE0A 00008000
050689D4 01000000
2817FE0A 00000004
050689D4 00000000
E0000000 80008000
Press home for ON and Down for OFF

Running While Walking

Bunny Hop Movement
04785B84 01000000

Disable Knifing All Players
FFFFFFFF 00000000
E0000000 80008000
FFFFFFFF 00000000
E0000000 80008000
FFFFFFFF 00000000
E0000000 80008000
05075184 FFFFFFFF
FFFFFFFF 00000000
E0000000 80008000

Auto Teams
050687DC 0X000000
X Values:
1: On
0: Off

Ingame Color Name Changer

Silent Running/Walking
05074374 7F000000

Individual Ping Color Modifier
05071288 RRGGBBAA
05071318 RRGGBBAA
05071360 RRGGBB80
In order:
(High Ping-RED)
(Med. ping-YELLOW)
(Ping Bar Background)Keep the 80 there.

Jump and Kill Yourself

modify kill & score]
04785AD2 00000xxx
04785ADA 00000xxx

Activator version
modify kill & score
2817D6E0 00008000
CC000000 00000001
04785AD2 00000xxx
04785ADA 00000xxx
E0000000 80008000
use HOME botton to turn on

The Piss off Code
2817D6E0 00008000
CC000000 00000001
E0000000 80008000
give this code to some one you dont like.it will bring up the menu over and over.

Gun rectical enhancer
2817D6E0 00008000
CC000000 00000001
05066A0C 40834466
81066164 0000000X
E0000000 80008000
Press Home to activate reaplce the X with 1 threw 9 changes out side color

Prestige Changer
04908664 0000000X
use values 0-B (0 through 11th)

Infinite Ammo all players ON
042D969C 380000FF

Infinite Ammo all players OFF
042D969C 7C040050

Moon Jump host only
2817FE0A FFF70008
047844F4 44000000
E0000000 80008000

Rapid fire host only
04784500 00000000

XP modifier (doesnt unlock and breaks level ups)
04908600 00XXXXXX

Level 55
04908600 00286425

non-host nick mod slot 1
067F72C4 000000YY

Inf HP host only
05556BB0 00000000

Inf HP all players ON
043A8808 60000000

Inf HP all players OFF
043A8808 90130170

rapid fire all players ON
042DBBE8 60000000

rapid fire all players OFF
042DBBE8 80030448

Golden Guns on Weapon Slot 3
00907A61 00000006

Ammo swapper ON
042C9E84 380000XX

Ammo swapper OFF
042C9E84 80030104

Speed Modifiers
04787484 XXXXXXXX
04792384 XXXXXXXX

Name Modifier - Ingame
06785BDC 000000YY

clan tag modifier

No Damage Visuals for falling
04785C98 00000000

Total Control mode (C+Z to enable, C,Z,+B to disable)
2817FE0A 00006000
04785C68 000000FF
E0000000 80008000
2817FE0A 00006400
04785C68 00000000
E0000000 80008000

Gravity modifier
05750000 3F8F0000
05750004 00000000
05750008 3F720000
C22CD2CC 00000005
3E808175 C0B40004
FC002840 41800010
C0340000 EC010032
4800000C C1D40008
EC0E0032 00000000

Gravity Modifier OFF
042CD2CC EC010032

All Easy Challenges UN-Done
02907B70 00500101

All Easy Challenges Done
02907B70 0050FFFF

2817FE0A 00008000
82210000 007844E0
82210001 007844E4
82210002 007844E8
E0000000 80008000
2817FE0A 00001000
84210000 007844E0
84210001 007844E4
84210002 007844E8
E0000000 80008000
2817FE0A 0000C000
82210003 007844E0
82210004 007844E4
82210005 007844E8
E0000000 80008000
2817FE0A 00005000
84210003 007844E0
84210004 007844E4
84210005 007844E8
E0000000 80008000
2817FE0A 0000A000
82210006 007844E0
82210007 007844E4
82210008 007844E8
E0000000 80008000
2817FE0A 00003000
84210006 007844E0
84210007 007844E4
84210008 007844E8
E0000000 80008000

non-host name changer 2
067F72E4 000000YY

Points Mod Team 1
04781908 00000XXX

Points Mod Team 2
04781904 00000XXX

Deaths Modifier
04785984 00000XXX

Kills Modifier
04785988 00000XXX

Personal Points Modifier Modifier
04785980 00XXXXXX

99 k/d/a All players
043EF480 7C7CE92E
00000000 00000000
C23EF480 00000002
38600063 7C7CE92E
60000000 00000000

non-host name changer slot 3
067F7304 000000YY

prestige cycler
8201000F 00908667
2817FE0A FFF70008
A8000000 F0000000
8600000F 00000001
E0000000 80008000
2817FE0A FFFB0004
A8000000 F0000000
E0000000 80008000
8401000F 00908667
2C908666 0000000B
00908667 00000000
E0000000 80008000

Team You Are On Modifier
04785BA8 0000000X
X values:
0 - team 1's spectator mode (can still kill)
1 - team 1
2 - team 2
3 - spectator (can still kill)
4 - team 2's spectator mode (can still kill)

Max Ammo Multiplier

See-through Walls
05077B6C 60000000

Regular Walls (for activators)
05077B6C 00000000

Gamespeed Multiplier
X's should be floating points converted to HEX

Force Host
050683A4 00000000

No Wait Time between Invites
05069514 00000000

Gravity Modifier]
use floating points 800inches/second is default

Lagometer Display
0506D7BC 01B00000

FPS Display
0506CACC 01000000

Prestige modifier
04908664 0000000X
use values 0-B (0 through 11th)

X's should be floating points converted to HEX

See-through Walls ]
05077B6C 60000000

Regular Walls (for activators)
05077B6C 00000000

Force Host
050683A4 00000000

No Wait Time between Invites ]
05069514 00000000

Gravity Modifier
use floating points 800inches/second is default

Lagometer Display
0506D7BC 01B00000

FPS Display
0506CACC 01000000

Moon Jump
2817D6E0 FFF70008
04725130 43F80000
E0000000 80008000
2817D6E0 FFFB0004
04725130 40840000
E0000000 80008000
offline only
press up to jump and down to land safely
you will die if you don't press down in time

Infinite Ammo/explosives/Grenades/Grenade Launcher
042DA3D0 60000000

Infinite HP [matt123337]
043B58BC 60000000

Max Online Score prank
Just a joke to mess with people (on the same wii)... makes it look like your score is really high (doesn't actually change!)!


Private III

Private III

If you want gun hack codes to CoD4 Modern Warfare Reflex.. PM me;)





Private I

Private I

xp lobby


Private III

Private III

hanifs wrote:xp lobby
Xp Lobby to? scratch



please dont forget to add proper credits to the code creators


Private III

Private III

RED 58 wrote:please dont forget to add proper credits to the code creators

Do you have MWR or Conduit 1 & 2 or something other;) bounce


Private III

Private III

RED 58 wrote:please dont forget to add proper credits to the code creators
Do you have some program there i can make own GCT codes? So i can make own and it will be credits to me? But i only want to make own codes

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