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[SM8E52] COD MW3 post patch codes *TESTED/WORKING* Returntop

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You don't need a class mod to run this.

Credits to Master Q for the values.

Predator Missle Killstreak x +JESTER+ x

Public Classes

Class 1
2820236A 00008000
42000000 92000000
053DA43C 00190003
E0000000 80008000

Class 2
2820236A 00008000
42000000 92000000
053DA4A0 00030000
E0000000 80008000

Class 3
2820236A 00008000
42000000 92000000
053DA500 00190003
E0000000 80008000

Class 4
2820236A 00008000
42000000 92000000
053DA564 00030000
E0000000 80008000

Class 5
2820236A 00008000
42000000 92000000
053DA5C4 00190003
E0000000 80008000

The following are for private classes

Private Class 1
2820236A 00008000
42000000 92000000
053DA9FC 00030000
E0000000 80008000

Private Class 2
2820236A 00008000
42000000 92000000
053DAA5C 00190003
E0000000 80008000

Private Class 3
2820236A 00008000
42000000 92000000
053DAAC0 00030000
E0000000 80008000

Private Class 4
2820236A 00008000
42000000 92000000
053DAB20 00190003
E0000000 80008000

Private Class 5
2820236A 00008000
42000000 92000000
053DAB84 00030000
E0000000 80008000

This will be the only killstreak you have. This is the non RED X member

release as I have downgraded the code for an all purpose release. The RED X

members code has all 3 killstreaks.

You have to do the following directions with each class. Do 1

class at a time after u do that class join a match. Public match for public classes and private match for private classes so it will

save. Then do the next class and join a match and so on.......

select the class & change your strike package to specialist and clear the


Then back out to the screen that says assault, support,

specialist.then press home on the wiimote . the cirlce with

lines through them should disappear. your killstreak is set..... (you only have to use each class code once unless u delete the class)

have fun and enjoy......

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