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Private II

Private II

Black Ops Computer Program Hack [Seth@WiiPlaza]
28200F40 FFFD0002
067A6A08 00000005
06825F99 00000084
06905060 00000024
067A7790 0000001F
067A77D8 00000024
067A7820 00000017
067A76E8 00000006
067A7720 0000002F
067A7778 00000014
067A76F0 0000002B
00000000 00000000
*Preivew: http://goo.gl/d0pVP
*Code used in video: http://goo.gl/HeJyM
*Warning: don't conflict codes with this one or it will freez
*Before breaking out of the chair press"right" on the dpad
*Using this link http://goo.gl/4y2fQ converte your writing in to hex (code form)
*If their is writing space left, fill it up with 0's

Seth made it and his auto writes what he wants back. I made it so you can write what you want. It's kind of useless but it's cool.

Deletes ALL profiles [DEVASATOR]
068FE688 00000020
00000000 00000000
18095E30 44455641
53544154 4F520919
E0000000 80008000
068FE6A8 00000020
00000000 00000000
18095E30 44455641
53544154 4F520919
E0000000 80008000
068FE6C8 00000020
00000000 00000000
18095E30 44455641
53544154 4F520919
E0000000 80008000
068FE6E8 00000020
00000000 00000000
18095E30 44455641
53544154 4F520919
E0000000 80008000
*Re-title and give to someone you hate.
*When you click "Mw3 online" it says please select a profile and their will be no profiles to choose it will just say "CREATE NEW PROFILE". All 4 will be deleted.
*Don't use unless you hate them. Works for Mw3 and BlackOps.


Pro Punk

Section Moderator
Section Moderator

Pro Punk
Didn't mean to +rep you, but you do not get credit or even half just because you edited it/ broke it down.


I eat shit!
I abuse my powers cuz i have no balls!
Next time ill be banned!
I eat poop!
I eat shit!I abuse my powers cuz i have no balls!Next time ill be banned!I eat poop!

true dat


Private II

Private II

i made the second 1

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