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[SC7E52]Fake Hop Code Returntop

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1badass [SC7E52]Fake Hop Code 13/8/2012, 2:34 pm



Account Hop almost any one[COOLness]
28200EE0 0000XXXX
80000000 809F50BD
8A00080F 00BDF8E0
E0000000 80008000
28200EE0 0000YYYY
80000000 80A42950
8A00080F 00BDF8E0
E0000000 80008000
28200EE0 0000ZZZZ
80000000 80A3F13C
8A00080F 00BDF8E0
E0000000 80008000
28200EE0 0000GGGG
80000000 80800000
8A00080F 00BDF8E0
E0000000 80008000
*All X,Y,G&Z's are button activators 
*XYG&Z must all be different
*X Recent Players
*Y Allies
*Z Proposals
*G LeaderBoard
*Highlight victim press home go to diff profile when it says please wait press the activator for what u used
*Your other account you use to login to theirs must have 50 or more allies and a high prestige + level or it could damage you wii very badly

When they use it they will go into their other account and that acc will reset.
Give to noobs.


I've ha this for a while I forgot what game it is it might be MW3 if it doesn't work.

2badass Re: [SC7E52]Fake Hop Code 13/8/2012, 3:02 pm



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