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Simon's v1.00 Edit of Trentlio's Fx Legacy v3.00  Returntop

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Simon Mods

Private I

Private I

Simon Mods
This was an Un-Edited Version, if it looks like any other Edits well there's no different Edits. But umm, this is what I've put in it so far:

- Opens with Briefcase (Forgot to Mention)
- Made Base in the Middle with Colors of Pink, When texts are Highlighted they are Cyan
- Added Derank, Derank Forever and Legit 15 a Player Script
- Added Spawn Stuffs (Spawn Crate, Spawn Airplane etc.)
- Added Toggle Forge (So that you wouldn't need to switch Gametypes, people love it)
- Added Mortar Gun (From CoDWii.com made by MadCow)
- Added Pro Mod Vision, Sexy Graphics, AC130 Vision
- Added Flyable Plane 2.0 (Made by Tony)
- Added Do Not Touch Button (Bans whoever clicks it, just for the Lulz ;p)
- Added Two Flashy Texts Top and Left Side of Screen
- Added Standard Instructions (From King of Hax Edit)
- Added Healthbar
- Added a Working Infections (Gives UAV, Bigger Map, Smaller Crosshairs etc.)
- Added Mini Mod Menu
- Added Pro Perks
- Added Unlock Everything
- Added Orgasm (From CoDWii.com forgot who made it probably MadCow)
- Added Custom Class Rename
- Added Laser Light
- Added Motions (Fast Mode, Normal Mode, Slow Mode)
- Added Mr. Sparky (From CodWii.com forgot who made it probably MadCow)
- The Stat Editor does work but you just have to know how to use it
and more other stuffs

Duhh this is for Black Ops. It doesn't really Lag as much as the other Mod Menus and you can actually play on every map . I didn't really focus on the gametypes or zombies I don't know why but the gametypes are default they
were already in it. I am looking for more scripts and stuff to edit. I need help finding out how to change the color of the scoreboard, color of the ping bar and how to not end up in the main menu when ending the game instead of being in private match. There isn't much anything wrong with this Menu besides being in the Main Menu when you end the match and having people to not join when match is in progress. Needing more scripts but I'll just find them myself. Ummm, well yep. If you need any help or having any problems with the Mod Menu please send me a message at FBIKREW@hotmail.com or just message my Inbox on here. Download the Mod Menu Edit here:http://www.mediafire.com/?n83n5in31lt99ks

Teh Credits:
- Trentlio for His Base
- MadCow and Others for Scripts I have used

Here's v2.00 :
- Taken out the Do Not Touch Button because whoever would click it would get Banned and the Host also
- Taken out Spawn Fort because it didn't want to work
- Fixed the Fast Mode Function
- Changed the Name of Teams to "The Pimps" & "The Hoes"
- Replaced Protect the President with RC- Race Track (Made by Mr. Ownsership) Fucking Boss Gametype Bro!
- Added a Dvar that makes your RC- Time Unlimited because most my friends wanted to make some RC- Race Tracks, and No they didn't copy because they don't Hack and never knew there was a Gametype till now(Dvar From the RC- Race Track)
- Added More Guns to Zombies
- Added More Equipments to Zombies
- Added more Perks to Zombies
- Added More Power Ups to Zombies
- Added 50000 Moneys to Zombies
- Added Spawn Dogs (From Xterminations Edit of Nitys)
- Added Spawn Fake Bot
- Added Spawn Fake Dog
- Changed the Zombies Fog to Cyan
- Changed the Colors of the Mod Menu Cyan
- Changed the Fonts and Texts to Cyan
- Changed Colors of Disco Fog to Cyan and Black
- Added Human Torch (Not sure if I already had it on v1)
- Added On Fire (Makes you turn on Fire)
- Added Superdogs
- Added Teleport Everyone
- Moved Infections and Mini Mod Menu to Standard
- Forgot what else I Added and Changed

I'm not aware of any known bugs but I do lag but that's only because my connection is a bitch. I was wondering if anyone knew how to make the dogs turn into flames so I can add that to Zombies. I am still trying to figure out how to make the match a private match instead of it being an online match so that people can join. Ummmm yeah, pretty much it. If you have any problems or need any help email me: FBIKREW@hotmail.com or Inbox me here.
Updated Link 6/20/12:

Teh Credits:
- Trentlio (For his Base)
- MadCow
- Nity
- Mr. Ownership (For his Gametype)
- And others for Scripts used


GFX Artist
GFX Artist

whats up simon !!


Lead Moderator
Lead Moderator

Stay on topic.


GFX Artist
GFX Artist

fine ........ used your mod menu its pretty sweet but it screwed up on me and demoted everyone in my lobby




Lead Moderator
Lead Moderator

Leg3nd,Stay on Topic!You have 2 more warnings!
Simon's v1.00 Edit of Trentlio's Fx Legacy v3.00  2937254162


wanna lose that admin Simon's v1.00 Edit of Trentlio's Fx Legacy v3.00  2937254162 dont tell me what to do DiscoFrog xD


Lead Moderator
Lead Moderator

1 more warning!Stop threatning!Simon's v1.00 Edit of Trentlio's Fx Legacy v3.00  2937254162
I so sorry!Simon's v1.00 Edit of Trentlio's Fx Legacy v3.00  2442039969

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