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[SM8E52] CODMW3 - Account hop Allies without a gecko Returntop

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Ally List Hop #1 [T.B.W]
2820236A 00008000
90000000 80A3EF48
8A00080F 00A03BE0
80A3EF44 80A3EF4C
E0000000 80008000

Ally List Hop #2 [T.B.W]
2820236A 0000XXXX
90000000 80A3EFD8
8A00080F 00A03BE0
80A3EF44 80A3EFDC
E0000000 80008000

Ally List Hop #3 [T.B.W]
2820236A 0000XXXX
90000000 80A3F068
8A00080F 00A03BE0
80A3EF44 80A3F06C
E0000000 80008000

Ally List Hop #4 [T.B.W]
2820236A 0000XXXX
90000000 80A3F0F8
8A00080F 00A03BE0
80A3EF44 80A3F0FC
E0000000 80008000

Ally List Hop #5 [T.B.W]
2820236A 0000XXXX
90000000 80A3F188
8A00080F 00A03BE0
80A3EF44 80A3F18C
E0000000 80008000

Ally List Hop #6 [T.B.W]
2820236A 0000XXXX
90000000 80A3F218
8A00080F 00A03BE0
80A3EF44 80A3F21C
E0000000 80008000

Ally List Hop #7 [T.B.W]
2820236A 0000XXXX
90000000 80A3F2A8
8A00080F 00A03BE0
80A3EF44 80A3F2AC
E0000000 80008000

Ally List Hop #8 [T.B.W]
2820236A 0000XXXX
90000000 80A3F338
8A00080F 00A03BE0
80A3EF44 80A3F33C
E0000000 80008000

Ally List Hop #9 [T.B.W]
2820236A 0000XXXX
90000000 80A3F3C8
8A00080F 00A03BE0
80A3EF44 80A3F3CC
E0000000 80008000

Ally List Hop #10 [T.B.W]
2820236A 0000XXXX
90000000 80A3F458
8A00080F 00A03BE0
80A3EF44 80A3F45C
E0000000 80008000

in order for my code to work click wat ever activator you have on their name and switch profiles and hit tht activator again nd youll be on their account


Private III

Private III

it fucking worked nice!!

although i dunno how long it will last it looks as if there's gonna be an update! :S

WrA x Loading

Specialist II

Specialist II

WrA x Loading
Way to ruin the game To Be Wet.Oh wait,those are Crimson's codes but with a different address!Way to edit To Be Wet!


Private III

Private III

wait so u can only do it to ten people?

WrA x Loading

Specialist II

Specialist II

WrA x Loading
Why would you hop allies besides to help them?If im told any of you faggots hop your allies and ruin their stats without their permission,or you fuck them up,i will personally fuck you up.


Private III

Private III

I think there has been a misunderstanding. When I say "do" I don't mean hack / demote. I mean can I only get on to ten peoples accounts?
But your point is valid, if i was going to demote / hack my allies. 


Specialist III

Specialist III

yo when i made those codes i only used one address that crimson and haxzing terror used lol but all my other addresses are different

WrA x Loading

Specialist II

Specialist II

WrA x Loading
Lol btw TBW i sware to everything i know and own i didnt try to hack your site lol if i did id be pissed about being in jail Wink


Specialist III

Specialist III

nah nigga fuck you you tried to take me down like 5 times but failed lol ill make sure you get banned on here too


Section Moderator
Section Moderator

Fuck off TBW you stupid faggot you cant even make your own codes without editing.

*Now the pussy will start editing my posts lol*


Section Moderator
Section Moderator

Anyway good luck tho.Im friends with every Admin except Joe. ;P

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