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[Article] Mom And Four Year Old Daughter Held Up With Knife Returntop

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[Article] Mom And Four Year Old Daughter Held Up With Knife

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Mom And Four Year Old Daughter Held Up With Knife

In Springfield Massachusetts, A man walked up to a mother and daughter using a knife as a threat. This man is a total a**hole, who the hell threatens two unarmed girls... When the man walked up to them he pulled a knife to them. The mothers initial reaction as to run away as she did. This mother left her daughter with the man though! The man grabbed on to the little girls back while being held watching her mother running away leaving her with the man. The little girl then got away and ran! The man chased them around the store, mostly going after the mother for her purse. The mother then made it back to the store, opened the door, but the man did stab her on her collar bone while stopping to open the door... This mother and daughter are OK but the man got away, and is still being looked for. This man needs to pick on people his own size, now if I were this guy I would be ashamed.

Original Post: http://www.cnn.com/video/?hpt=hp_c3#/video/us/2012/05/08/early-knife-attack.cnn

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